Pedagogical well-being

In addition to occupational well-being and well-being at study, there have been a growing amount of talk about pedagogical well-being. Pedagogical well-being is a systemic entity based on interaction between teachers and students and other stakeholders and networks (design, methods, assessments etc.). It is also influenced by the support and interaction of the work community (emotional support and a safe learning environment).

To build up pedagogical well-being requires pedagogical awareness: understanding of teaching, learning, well-being and the connection between them. Pedagogical well-being can be strengthened by developing actions and structures that support teacher involvement, competence, motivation, expertise and collaboration.

Professional development and well-being at work

Up-to-date knowledge and experience of work management increase motivation, commitment and endurance. Professional competence, work management at different phases of the work cycle and quality management and pre-personal work increase the staff’s ability to cope with changing tasks and working conditions. The development of competence promotes a culture of continuous learning, expertise and working together, and supports readiness and courage for renewal.

Tampere Universities community provides its staff members centralised trainings and development services, which are organised by, for example, the TLC team, HRD teams and other support services. Up-to-date staff training offerings can be found in the staff training calendar on the Intranet. lock

As employers, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences support the well-being of their staff and ensure the conditions for working and well-being at work. The key is to help employees and work communities improve efficient working, activities of the work communities, community spirit and working conditions.

More information for staff:

Professional development and staff training lock
Well-being at work lock
Mentoring and coaching lock
Work capacity and word capacity management lock
Occupational health services lock

Additional materials

The materials of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health contain a lot of useful information about well-being and a functioning work community.

Raija Erkkilä ja Sirpa Perunka: Pedagoginen hyvinvointi voimaannuttaa ja osallistaa opettajan ja opiskelijan, 23.6.2021 (in Finnish)

Liisa Vanhanen-Nuutinen ja Pirjo Aura (toim.): Opas pedagogiseen hyvinvointiin. 17.3.2023 (in Finnish)

Elsewhere in TLC

Professional ethics
Pedagogical education
Pedagogical management

Links checked 15.9.2023