Teacher tutoring

The objective of teacher tutoring is to support the smooth progress of studies, the development of a student’s expertise and their attachment to the higher education community. The teacher tutor will attempt to reinforce the students’ agency and their belief in their own abilities as students of a higher education institute.

The significance of teacher tutoring is highlighted during the early stages of studies when new students are helped to become committed to their studies and the higher education community. This is why it is important that teacher tutors and student tutors work together. As the studies progress, teacher tutoring supports students when considering their choices and opportunities. However, a key part of this guidance work is always to support the student’s independent actions and motivation. Its goal is for the need for teacher tutoring to decrease as the student’s self-direction skills increase.

More information for staff

Tampere University: Guidance and counselling services and contact information lock
Tampere University: Guidance and counselling services in faculties: contact information lock
Tampere University: Academic Guidance and Councelling Policy of Tampere University

Elsewhere in TLC

Diversity in teaching

Links checked 19.9.2023