Planning and implementation of teaching

Planning of teaching is familiar work to all teachers, but how should this work be structured when considering pedagogical principles?  

Factors such as learning outcomes, available digital environments, the ratio of distance and contact teaching and the available resources all affect the planning of teaching processes. Various pedagogical models, many of which have also been established in higher education, support the pedagogical planning and learning design. 

These existing pedagogical models have been joined by different planning principles, which means that each pedagogical model can be applied and adapted to its context with chosen elements that promote the development of learning and competence. These planning principles are a flexible way to plan teaching from the pedagogical point of view. 

It is beneficial to visualise the teaching and learning process for the students. A good way to start the planning of teaching is with the traditional pen and paper, later moving on to various digital applications. When you plan teaching and learning, the accessibility of learning and teaching in the institute of higher education should be considered. 

The planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching is governed by institution-specific, national and even international guiding documents. When you start your planning work, it is vital that you are aware of these various background factors. 

The degree programme’s curriculum work lies at the centre of all planning. This work has specific learning outcomes, and its objective is to provide aligned teaching. The goals and needs of working life should also be considered. When planning to teach, it is important to consider the arrangement of various content units, such as study units, modules and courses. 

This section will help you develop and increase your competence in matters such as: 

  • perspectives of learning theory 
  • curriculum design work
    • taking a competence-based approach 
    • alignment of teaching 
    • generic skills 
    • recognising previous prior knowledge 
    • extent of studies 
    • internships and practical training
  • pedagogical planning 
  • digital pedagogy 
  • feedback and assessment
  • regulations and instructions. 

In this section, we will discuss learning and the planning and implementation of teaching from various educational theoretical perspectives. The content of this section will help you deepen your understanding of good examples, materials and practical tips. 

This section will strengthen the development of the teachers and teaching staff’s teaching work and pedagogical working culture

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