Generic skills and competences

The Tampere higher education community has compiled a strategy concerning shared competences that each student graduating from a degree programme in the higher education community should have upon graduation. These competences or skills are also often referred to as generic or transferrable skills. The Tampere higher education community refers to them also as common learning outcomes.

The objectives of the common learning outcomes should mainly be achieved by integrating them into the study units included in the degree and through thesis work, but, depending on the field of education, separate study units focused on certain theme (listed below) can also be offered. The learning outcomes can be specific to either degree level, study module level or study unit level. If the common learning outcomes are taken to the study unit level, they must also be included in the study unit’s assessment.

These common learning outcomes are integrated in the degrees while taking into account the degree programme’s competence requirements, and each degree can apply them as best suited to the degree in question. Achieving these skills will be supported through various teaching methods, project work, innovation projects or similar.

The common learning outcomes of the Tampere higher education community are:

  • Learning skills and critical thinking
  • Ethics
  • Employability skills
  • Information technology and digital skills
  • Innovation
  • Interaction and communication skills
  • Social understanding and economic and leadership skills
  • International outlook and global responsibility.

Examples of describing the common learning outcomes in the curriculum. (in Finnish)

More information for staff

Common learning outcomes at Tampere Universities lock

Sustainable development and pedagogy lock

Elsewhere in TLC

Planning and implementation of teaching

Sustainable development in teaching

Links checked 19.9.2023