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Doctoral Programmes

The doctoral researchers at Tampere University conduct their studies in doctoral programmes. Each programme hosts specific fields of research. If you are interested in doctoral studies, begin by getting to know the doctoral programme of your choice. More information on applying to a doctoral programme is available in the admission requirements of the programme and our webpage Applying to Doctoral programmes.

Additional information on doctoral studies

Structure and duration of doctoral studies

In addition to the doctoral dissertation, the requirements for a doctoral degree include other studies, which you should plan to support your doctoral research. The structure of the other studies can be found in the curriculum of your doctoral programme.

For full-time doctoral students, the target time of completing the doctoral degree is four years. Part-time students may take longer to complete their degree.

Doctoral dissertation

To earn a doctoral degree, students must complete a dissertation and defend it in a public examination. Students prepare a dissertation to demonstrate their ability to produce original scientific knowledge in the field of their research. Writing the dissertation requires that the student is capable of conducting independent scientific research.


Tampere University Doctoral School

The Doctoral School supports the development of diverse, multidisciplinary and international expertise among doctoral researchers and works to promote employability of our doctoral graduates.

You will be able to select courses that meet your needs over 50 courses that the Doctoral School offers each year. We give Finnish and English-taught courses both online and in a physical classroom environment.

The Doctoral School hosts regular events for doctoral researchers such as Orientation Day and open lectures. You get to meet other doctoral researchers, network and receive peer support.

Our courses and events provide you with the opportunity to gain experience of multidisciplinary and international teamwork while making effective progress towards your degree.

Get to know the Doctoral School


Doctoral studies can be financed in a variety of ways and admittance to a doctoral programme does not guarantee funding. Students are recommended to contact their supervisor before starting their doctoral studies to discuss their funding options. Funding options for doctoral studies are at least the following:

The Doctoral School of Industry Innovations

The Doctoral School of Industry Innovations (DSII) offers Doctoral Researchers a unique opportunity to undertake dissertation research, gain a thorough understanding of product development, tackle real-world business challenges and expand their professional networks. Tampere University hires a Doctoral Researcher to complete a four-year, company-sponsored dissertation project under the joint supervision of a university professor and a company representative. 

Read more about DSII

Finland Fellowship

Finland Fellowship is a new funding option awarded by Tampere University as part of the national Finland Scholarship programme. Non-EU/EEA applicants to Doctoral programmes are eligible to apply. The Finland Fellowship contributes to the salary paid Tampere University and includes a 2000 EUR arrival allowance. The Finland Fellowship funding is available from 2022 to 2024. It is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Positions funded with the Finland Fellowship funding are published as part of open positions at Tampere University.

Read more about working at Tampere Universities

Additional information on applying

Detailed information on applying to a doctoral programme is available in the admission requirements of the programme and our webpage Applying to Doctoral programmes.

Applying to doctoral programmes