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ISWAF – International Survey on Work and Family (Finland) Kansainvälinen työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen tutkimus


The primary objective of ISWAF is to extend existing cross-national work-family research by examining positive aspects of the work-family interface and work-family boundary management.

ISWAF diverges in several respects from existing cross-national studies, thereby making a unique contribution to the literature.The initiators and directors of the project are Barbara Beham (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Tammy Allen (University of South Florida) and Ariane Ollier-Malaterre (University of Quebec in Montreal). This team has designed the project, developed the questionnaire, pilot-tested aspects of the research, and will coordinate all data collection efforts.
In addition, Steven Poelmans (EADA Business School) serves as a consulting member of the central team. Each member of the central team has extensive experience conducting and publishing cross-national work-family research.

Work Research Centre at Faculty of Social Sciences is the project partner  in Finland. ISWAF Survey is being collected in October-November 2018 in Finland.

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