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Equipment for event recording and live streaming

Tampere University and TAMK

Most of the auditoriums are equipped with automated equipment for recording and live streaming events and also with video meeting capabilities: camera and microphones via usb-connection for Teams and Zoom. In auditoriums with fixed recording devices, recordings and streaming can be scheduled on the Panopto video platform. You can also use the Panopto video platform to record and live stream course content on your own workstation.

Some of the classrooms are equipped with so-called lightweight hybrid teaching devices (webcam and speakerphone). The devices can be used with Zoom, Teams and Panopto on your own computer.

Facilities for hybrid participation

Facilities for streaming and lecture capture

If you want to schedule the lecture recordings of an entire lecture series, follow the instructions below, if you need a recording of an individual event, see the instructions for recording and streaming an individual event.

Scheduling learning events: Facilities with Capture/streaming devices

1. Scheduling phase

If the need for lecture recording is known in advance, let us know about it in the teaching planning phase when the space requests are made: scheduling events

If you have already booked rooms for teaching without "lecture capture" option and need recordings, submit requests for new learning events and corrections to existing events using forms in the university's self service portal (Activity/implementation under Teaching and education). Remember to choose "Lecture capture" as a location feature. If you need to change or cancel capture/streaming activity send corrections from self service portal and to it-helpdesk [at] .


2. The creation of a course video folder

You can add a Panopto course video folder to your own Moodle course as follows (you will also be assigned the creator role in the Panopto service):

  •     Turn the edit mode on in the Moodle course area.
  •     Click on the Lisää lohko (add block) link in the bottom of the left column (if necessary, open the left navigation column by clicking the menu, hamburger icon, button in the upper left corner).
  •     Select Panopto.
  •     Click on the Provision Course link on the Panopto block that has appeared in the right column.

3. Confirmation of recording details before the beginning of the teaching period

Before the start of the teaching period, you will receive a form to fill in (details about the recordings). After filling in this information, the recording schedules are automatically exported to Panopto and the recorders.

  • Which lectures are recorded (all or individual)
  • You can choose the Panopto folder for the scheduled lectures (by default the previously created course video folder)
  • Is webcast used in addition to recording?
  • If necessary, you can fine-tune the recording start and end times
  • You can change the default recording names if you want

4. When the lecture starts

Before the lecture, remember to check the instructions of the recording and streaming device and the checklist for the lecture hall. Scheduled recordings will automatically appear in the Moodle course. You can edit the recordings in Panopto if necessary


Published: 1.2.2019
Updated: 21.2.2024