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FAQ on applying for a master's programme at Tampere University

On this page you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions when applying to a master’s programme at Tampere University.

Degrees offered

What master’s studies can I study in English at Tampere University?

We offer various master's programmes conducted entirely in English. Please see all options on our Master's Programmes webpage.

Do you offer degrees completely online?

Unfortunately, we do not offer any master's programmes conducted in English as distance learning or online. The studies in our master's programmes are mostly conducted during daytime on weekdays.

I would like to study in Finnish. Can I apply if I know only a little Finnish?

In order to study in Finnish, you must speak Finnish fluently. Please note that learning sufficient level of Finnish would take at least a few years for a beginner, even when living in Finland and studying the language. Applicants must demonstrate their proficiency in the language of the teaching according to our language requirements when applying.

Admission process

When is the application time?

The application period for master studies starting in August 2025 will be announced at a later date.

I missed the deadline as I only found out about the progamme now, can I still apply?

We have no supplementary application times.

I was not accepted, may I know additional information on why?

Please contact the faculty in question. When the admission results are published, you will receive a message from the faculty representative, please use that email to contact.

Eligibility for master’s programmes

Can I know in advance if I am eligible for a certain master’s programme with my bachelor’s degree?

Due to the high number of applicants, the eligibility of applicants cannot be pre-assessed. Please see the general eligibility criteria and the programme-specific information on eligibility on the webpage of the programme in question.

The programme has listed a minimum requirement for GPA as 3.00 for university degrees, how can I convert my GPA on a different grading scale?

Some of our programmes have set a minimum GPA requirement, but please note that the requirement is only for bachelor’s degrees completed in Finland. These degrees use a 1 to 5 grading scale. There is no fixed minimum requirements for degrees competed outside Finland, though success in previous studies will be taken into account in the academic evaluation as the admission is based on the applicant’s bachelor's degree.

Language requirements

I speak English at home. Why do I need to prove my language proficiency in English?

Our language requirements may feel strict, but all applicants of our master’s programmes must submit evidence of a good command of English for academic purposes. The two ways of indicating English language proficiency, language tests or previous studies, apply to all applicants. Even if English would be your 1st language you will need to fulfil the language requirements as set by the university.

I have completed my previous degree in English. Do I need an additional language test?

It is possible to demonstrate your language skills with a previous degree if you have completed studies specifically listed by Tampere University. Only studies that fulfil the detailed criteria are accepted. Please see detailed information on the language requirements webpage.

My language test score has expired. Can I still use it to prove my language proficiency in English?

The test score must be valid at least until the end of the application period (to be announced later). Expired language test scores are not accepted as proof of language proficiency in English.

My language test score is below the minimum requirements. Can I still apply?

The language criteria and the minimum test results required are as stated on our language requirements webpage. If you have scored under the minimum required, you won't be eligible for admission. You can retake the test or see the other possibilities for proving your proficiency.

Do you offer preparatory language studies, so I could improve my English before applying?

Unfortunately we do not offer such studies. To be able to start studies in a master’s programme, you will need to prove your English language proficiency at the time of applying.

Application documents

Do I have to send my educational documents to Tampere University during the application period?

You are only required to upload scans of the original educational documents to the application form when applying. You do not need to send certified copies of your documents at this time. If you receive an offer of admission, you will be required to submit officially certified or legalised educational documents after receiving the offer. Please see the application documents webpage for more information.

I completed my bachelor’s degree in two years as I had completed some studies before, what do I need to upload to my application form as educational documents?

If your degree contains studies completed at different institutions, for example top-up studies or transfer studies, you must upload educational documents that cover the whole duration of your studies and meet the minimum of 180 ECTS, or 3 years of full time studies.

Additionally, if you have gained direct access to an advanced level in your degree, you must upload educational documentation covering the previous studies based on which you were admitted to the degree programme.

Applying in final year of bachelor’s degree

I’m graduating after the application period, can I apply?

Yes, you can apply as long as you graduate by 31 July at the latest. Please see additional information on our eligibility criteria.

I’m graduating after the application period. What documents do I need to submit during the application period?

If you are applying during the final year of your bachelor’s degree, you must upload a scan of your most recent transcript (and possible translation). If you receive an offer of admission, you must submit officially certified copies of your final educational documents by the given deadline. Please see additional information under the section Instructions for applicants in their final year of bachelor’s degree on our application documents webpage.


How many students receive scholarships?

The number of scholarships varies between programmes and depends on the size of the programme. Scholarships are awarded to a select group of the most merited applicants.

My GPA is top of my class. How likely will I get a scholarship?

Scholarships are awarded on the basis an overall evaluation of the applicant's application and academic merits, and not only on the basis of your GPA.

If I don’t get a scholarship, can I re-apply for a scholarship? / Do you have a waiting list for scholarships? / I did not get a scholarship. Could you reconsider my case?

We offer 100% tuition fee scholarships only once at the time of applying. There is no waiting list for those, but the early bird offer is available at admission to all fee-paying students. Please see additional information on all scholarships available on Tampere University Scholarships webpage.

Tuition fee

Is it possible to pay tuition fees in installments, or do I need to pay the full amount at once?

The tuition fee for the first academic year must be paid in full before you are able to start your studies in Tampere University, please contact Student Affairs Office at studentservices.tau [at] (studentservices[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi).

What methods of payment are possible?

Tampere University uses the Flywire payment portal to collect tuition fees. Through Flywire you can pay the tuition fee in your own currency or in euros. The payment methods available vary by country and include at least most debit/credit cards as well as bank transfer. 

Other fees and costs

What is the annual Healthcare fee that I am required to pay?

All degree students in Finland are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) and must pay a health service fee to Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland). The healthcare fee entitles you to general health, dental and mental health services. For more information please see Healthcare fee for students in higher education.

What is the annual Stu­dent Union membership fee that I am required to pay?

All University students in Finland are members of their local student union. Tampere University degree students are members of the Student Union (TREY) and therefore obligated to pay the Student Union membership fee. The membership entitles you to various benefits, discounts and services offered directly or indirectly by the Student Union. Please see additional information on TREY websites.

What are living costs in Tampere like?

All students have to pay for their accommodation and living expenses themselves. The monthly living costs for a student in Tampere for basics such as food, accommodation and transportation are on average 700-950 euro, depending on your personal spending habits. Please see additional information on our living costs webpage.

Does the University provide student housing?

The University does not provide student housing. Students can choose to rent from student housing companies or the private market. For more information see our student housing webpage.


When do the studies begin?

If you are accepted, your studies will start with a Welcome Week on 19 August 2024. Courses will begin the following week.

If I am accepted, can I postpone my studies and start the studies later?

According to the Universities Act (558/2009) first-year students may register as absent for the following reasons only:

  • Service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), the Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or the Act on Women’s Voluntary Military Service (194/1995)
  • Maternity, paternity or parental leave
  • The student is unable to begin studies due to being incapacitated by personal illness or injury

If you have legal grounds for your absence and you wish to register as absent, please contact the Tampere University Student Affairs Office.

What is the academic year at Tampere University like?

The academic year at Tampere University is divided into two semesters consisting of two periods each. The academic year starts in late August and ends in late May. Some courses are offered during the summer period.

I have already completed some master’s studies previously, can those be taken into account?

The faculty can assess if some of your previous studies completed in a higher education institution can be included in the new degree. The decision is done case by case based on the suitability of the studies to the curriculum of the programme. No pre-assessments can be made as you can apply for accreditation only after you have started your studies.

More information

If you have additional questions on applying, please contact our Admissions Services by phone or email.