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Research at Tampere University

At Tampere University, research on technology, health and society come together.

At Tampere University, multidisciplinary research is conducted across the boundaries of fields of science. More specifically, our strength lies in research in the fields of health, technology and society. The topics our Centres of Excellence (CoEs) study range from body-on-chip research to game cultures.

The missions of our research include fostering a just and participatory society, promoting the health and welfare of people at all ages, developing safe living and working environments that are resource efficient, and ensuring socially responsible digitalisation and transformation of work.

Faculties and units

Doctoral education pilot opens at Tampere University

Tampere University will recruit 106 fully funded PhD candidates for a three-year term in calls that open in spring and autumn 2024. The posts are part of the national doctoral education pilot programme.

Meet our researchers

We have over 2,800 researchers at our university. Our numerous research groups conduct multidisciplinary research that crosses organisational boundaries.

At our university, we conduct both fundamental and applied research. We develop solutions to tackle climate change, preserve the natural environment and improve the well-being and sustainability of societies.

Get to know our researchers and research groups

Information on current research

The TUNICRIS research portal contains information on the publications and academic activities of employees at Tampere University and Pirkanmaa Hospital District.

Research infrastructures

State-of-the-art research infrastructures are an integral part of the research environment at Tampere University. Our researchers and students have access to a wide range of specialist research equipment, laboratories, databases and materials. Much of our research infrastructure is also available for use or hire by our collaboration partners.

Research excellence

Our Centres of Excellence study body-on-chip systems and game cultures, among other things. We have top researchers who have been granted with ERC funding from the European Research Council. In addition, we coordinate an Academy of Finland Flagship Programme. We strengthen our research profile in strategically selected areas with competitive funding for profiling.

HR Excellence in Research

We are committed to the continuous development of our researchers' working conditionds and careers. We are proud to have been awarded the European HRS4 quality label in recognition for our development work.

The Doctoral School

Tampere University’s Doctoral School is a university-wide expert of research education. The courses organised by the school offer doctoral researchers opportunities to develop essential skills in research methods, research ethics, and conducting research.

Tampere Institute for Advanced Study

Tampere Institute for Advanced Study is an international research community offering the most competitive researchers the opportunity to focus on their own research and career advancement.

Researcher mobility

Various programmes offer possibilities to join the Tampere University research community as a researcher. Also international university networks promote and fund researcher mobility.

Responsible research

Responsible research is reliable and its results may be used in many different ways.

We conduct ethically sustainable research by adhering to sound scientific practices.  We communicate about scientific breakthroughs and research results in a responsible manner.

Open science

Openness promotes research and the development of the scientific community.

The publications, theses, dissertations, and research data produced at Tampere University and the research methods used are inherently shared and open.

Support scientific breakthroughs

By donating to the Tampere University you are involved in creating new knowledge. The proceeds of the donated funds are used to provide long-term support to the University’s high-quality scientific research and research-based education.

Services for companies and partners

Research and development collaboration

Send us an email at industry [at] if you search research partners or services, or if you seek opportunities to cooperate in general.

Research to business

Our Innovation Services helps researchers identify funding opportunities and commercialise their research-based ideas and innovations. In addition, we keep investors and external stakeholders up to date with ongoing research to business (R2B) projects.

Read more on our innovation services and commercialization of research

Would you like to know more about building new business from research? Contact us for more information at inventions [at]

Get to know the intellectual property policy of Tampere Universities.

Research services

Tampere University’s Research Services help researchers and research groups to find, apply for and manage research funding.

The Preaward team provides information about funding opportunities and offers support with planning and preparing grant proposals. Contact the Preaward team at preaward [at]

The Postaward team offers guidance and advice on project management and provides project management services for large-scale research projects coordinated by Tampere University. Contact the Postaward team at postaward [at]

We conduct an international assessment of all our research at regular intervals. The first research assesment excercise of our new university (TAU RAE 2022) was carried out as an international peer-review in two phases.

FINEEC quality label indicates that our University's operations and quality system have passed the FINEEC audit.