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The new library system has been opened for use on 2.1.2020 online

Published on 31.12.2019
Tampere Universities
Uusi Andor
After a long period of preparation and testing, a major system upgrade in the library is now complete and the new library system, with its Andor service platform, has been opened to customers online on 2.1.2020. Library units will open customer service from 7.1.2020 on regular service hours.

You can find the new library system client site at 

The library's customer interface will continue to be known as Andor, and only the technology and functionality behind the system have been renewed. Now, a unified library system serves all our customers on one service bus. On the Andor platform you will now find your own self-service as a library customer, as well as all the library materials, both printed and electronic. (Some e-resources are not yet available other than through the old Andor, but the situation is temporary and will be corrected soon.)

When using Andor, sign in as follows:

  • If you are a student or staff member of the Tampere University or Tampere University of Applied Sciences, please use your own Tuni username.
  • Other customers must use either the email address they provide to the library customer register or the library card to sign in. If you are using a library card and do not have a password yet (old passwords have not been transferred to the new system) enter a character(s) in the password field and you will be prompted to set a new password. If you forget your password, contact the library.

The PIN code is only required at self services

  • If you do not have a PIN yet, or if you have forgotten it, you can set a new PIN through Andor by logging in to your customer information, selecting "Personal details" and selecting "Update login credentials" there.
  • Alternatively, you can renew / change your PIN by contacting the library or by visiting the library customer service.

If you have any questions or problems, you can always contact the library:

Welcome to the new year 2020 and use our new shared library system!

P.S. On the way to the new system, we announced our customers on our change site, which you can still visit to see how things went.