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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Doctoral Programme in Engineering Sciences (TTITO)

Head of the programme: Associate Professor Azwirman Gusrialdi  

The Head of the Doctoral Programme in Engineering Sciences (TTITO) oversees the administration, development and coordination of the programme in collaboration with the Doctoral Programme Committee and the Education Specialist of the programme.

The programme covers the following research fields: Automation Science and Engineering, Mechanical and Production Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering.

We offer doctoral students a high-quality research environment and the opportunity to complete the Doctor of Science (Technology) degree in a timely fashion. Students who successfully complete the programme acquire the skills and competencies needed to pursue a research career or other challenging professions associated with engineering sciences.

The programme is primarily intended for talented and motivated students who conduct research that meets high international standards. Students in TTITO aim to 4 year, systematically supervised, high-quality doctoral education. Applications are accepted all year round expect in July.

TTITO Steering Committee  

Associate Professor Azwirman Gusrialdi (TTITO Head of the Programme)  
Professor Eric Coatanéa 
Professor Mikko Hokka  
Associate Professor Mikko Kanerva 
Associate Professor Roel Pieters 
Associate Professor Tatiana Minav  
Doctoral Researcher Marea de Koning 
Doctoral Researcher Jukka Koskinen 
Doctoral Researcher Akshay Dhalpe
Education Specialist Kaisu Kalliomäki 

Meetings in autumn 2024 with respective deadlines for materials: 

13.8.2024 (DL 5.8.2024)
10.9.2024 (DL 3.9.2024)
10.10.2024 (DL 6.10.2024)
12.11.2024 (DL 4.11.2024)
3.12.2024 (DL 25.11.2024)

Forms for doctoral students and other materials are sent to kaisu.kalliomaki [at]

Doctoral study right applications are submitted via Opintopolku. In the autumn 2024, the application period starts on 1.8.2024 at 08.00 and ends on 29.11.2024 at 15.00.

Contact person for doctoral studies at ENS

Education Specialist Kaisu Kalliomäki (kaisu.kalliomaki [at], substituting Anna Nykänen on 25.1.-26.11.2024

Published: 17.6.2019
Updated: 9.9.2024