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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Doctoral Programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC)

Doctoral Programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC) 

On this page you will find all the key issues and forms for the scientific postgraduate education of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers doctoral studies in eight Doctoral Programmes that cover the fields of Humanities, Medicine, Psychology, Health Sciences and Social Sciences. The curriculum of the doctoral programmes, heads of the programmes and research fields can be found in the table on this page.

Forms and links at SOC Scientific Postgraduate Education:

Admission to doctoral studies (application period in April and October)

The forms of the Faculty (SOC):

SOC Supervision agreement and plan for doctoral studies

SOC Report and feedback form 

 Other useful links:

Doctoral School Curriculum

TUNI Moodle / Turnitin for Students

Turnitin Orginality Check - Guidelines for Supervisors 

All the instructions and regulations regarding scientific postgraduate education of the Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC) have been summarised in the handbook for scientific postgraduate education.​

The forms of the University:

Changes in supervisory duties


The table below summarises the doctoral programmes, degrees and fields of study in the programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences:


Doctoral Programme in Philosophy (Ph.D., L. Phil)

Field of Humanities

Head of the Programme docent Jani Hakkarainen


Doctoral Programme in History (Ph.D., L. Phil)
Field of Humanities

Head of the Programme professor Raisa Toivo



International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health (Ph.D., D.H.Sc., L.H.Sc)

Field of Health Sciences

Field of Medicine

Head of the Programme professor Pekka Nuorti

Doctoral Programme in Medicine (D.Med.Sc/MD Ph.D.; Ph.D.)

Field of Medicine

Head of the Programme professor Anssi Auvinen

Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences (D.H.Sc, L.H.Sc, Ph.D.)

Field of Health Sciences

Head of the Programme docent Kirsi Lumme-Sandt





Global Health and Development

Nursing Science (no possibility for D.Med.Sc)

Public Health

Social Psychiatry

Social and Health Policy

Healthcare Management

Health Services Research

Health Economics

Health Sociology

Occupational Health

Doctoral Programme in Literary Studies (Ph.D., L. Phil)

Field of Humanities

Head of the Programme docent Lieven Ameel

Comparative Literature

Finnish Literature

Doctoral Programme in Psychology and Logopaedics

Psychology: Field of Psychology

Logopaedics: Field of Humanities

Vogology: Field of Humanities

Head of the Programme professor (tenure track) Kati Heinonen-Tuomaala

Psychology (Ph.D. Psych, Lic.A.Psych, Ph.D.)

Logopaedics (Ph.D., L. Phil)

Vocology (Ph.D., L. Phil)

Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences (D.Soc.Sc, L.Soc.Sc, Ph.D.)

Field of Social Sciences


Head of the Programme professor Päivi Honkatukia


Youth Research

Social Anthropology

Social Policy

Social Psychology

Social Work


Gender Studies (former Women Studies)

Peace and Conflict Research


The Faculty Board and the Steering Group for Doctoral Education meeting dates can be found at TG-SOC Info pages.  

The manuscript can be submitted to the Faculty for the pre-examination process at any time after the responsible supervisor has approved it. The Dean makes a decision of the pre-examiners. The duty of the Steering Group for Doctoral Education is to handle the pre-examiner’s statements after which the dean’s decision can be made for the permission to print the dissertation. The opponent’s statement is handled first at the Steering Group for Doctoral Education and after that in the Faculty Council. The final evaluation of the dissertation will be done at the Faculty Council based on the opponent’s and pre-examiner’s statements.

Contact information:

Head of the doctoral programmes can be found in the table of the doctoral programmes (please see above).

Senior Specialist (doctoral education) Leena Nikkari

Education Assistant Sinikka Määttä

E-mail address: SOC Scientific Postgraduate Education/Doctoral Studies: soc.doc.tau [at] (soc[dot]doc[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi)
(other email addresses forename.surname [at]

Visit Study Services / SOC Scientific Postgraduate Education: Leena Nikkari and Sinikka Määttä;

Linna -Building, 6th floor, Rm 6055 or Arvo -Building Study Affairs (by appointment).

Post address: Faculty of Social Sciences, FI 33014 Tampere University

Published: 26.11.2019
Updated: 2.9.2024