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Video conferencing for teaching and learning purposes

Tampere University and TAMK

Video meetings in teaching and studying

There are two different services available for real-time and interactive online learning: Microsoft Teams and Zoom (Funet Miitti). Services offer a wide range of functions that allow teachers to diversify online teaching, e.g. queries, file sharing, screen sharing, and grouping of participants for group work. Video meetings services are also available for students in study-related situations, such as group and project work.

If TUNI Groups and Microsoft Teams are already in your teamwork tool, it is natural to use Teams for video meetings as well. If you only need a video meetings tool, then Zoom is the best option.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a service that enables you to organise online meetings with groups and individual participants. Participants can share their video, audio and desktop through Teams. Microsoft Teams also works with the TUNI Groups service, so when you create a TUNI Group for your group, a collaborative Teams space will also be created for your group into Teams. Teams space offers communication and collaboration tools that combines instant messaging capabilities and video conferencing with tools for collaborative writing, task assignment and videos.

Zoom (Funet Miitti)

Zoom is a video meeting service used by the Tampere University community. It enables video and audio connections, screen and material sharing, as well as small group work using Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android devices. Zoom can be used to organise online meetings, remote lectures and webinars with large numbers of participants. 

IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)


Published: 1.2.2019
Updated: 25.6.2024