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Keskustakampuksen aula

We develop our campuses

By developing the premises of the University of Tampere, the aim is to meet the future needs of the university's operations and sustainability goals while supporting the vitality of the community. In campus development, together with the community, we define what our campus complex will look like in 2030 - which buildings will be relinquished, and how space utilization and retained buildings will be developed. The goal is to create versatile and interdisciplinary learning, working, research, and meeting environments together - spaces that respond to the changing needs of their users and society both now and well into the future. The current state analysis published in 2019 provides an overview of the current situation of the campuses, the campus development strategy published in 2020 summarizes future goals for facility development, and the facility program extending until 2030 defines the actions to be taken on the campuses.

Efficient Everyday Life on Three Campuses - Facilities Programme for the Years 2022-2030

During the years 2022-2030, Tampere University will develop its facilities and space utilization in alignment with the goals set by the Campus Development Strategy and the Facility Program, while also harmonizing them with the needs of functions and units located within the buildings. The measures taken at the City Centre Campus, Hervanta Campus, and Kauppi Campus will address the future operational requirements of the university, promote responsible space utilization, densify space usage, reduce space-related costs, and support the vitality of the community.

Through the measures outlined in the Facilities Programme, the university's leased spaces will decrease by approximately 41,000 square meters, which accounts for roughly 20% of the total. Approximately 40,000 square meters of space will be developed for the university's continued use.

In addition to physical space changes, the university will also reshape its approaches to space utilization, promote shared use of spaces, and enhance its digital systems to support space usage and facilitate smooth day-to-day operations.

City Centre Campus

In the City centre campus, spaces and space utilization are being developed in Pinni B, Linna, and Päätalo. In the City Center Campus, Pinni A and Virta buildings will be relinquished.

Hervanta Campus

The renovation of Sähkötalo is being implemented on the Hervanta campus. In addition, spaces and space use are being developed in Tietotalo and Rakennustalo, as well as in the parts of Konetalo and Festia that will remain in use. Festia and Konetalo are partially relinquished.

Kauppi Campus

At the Kauppi campus, spaces and space utilization are being developed in the Arvo buildings. The goal in Kauppi is to partially relinquish the Arvo 1 building.

Campus development strategy 2020-2030

The campus development strategy formed on the basis of the current state analysis guides the direction of campus development and practical action plans. The goal of the campus development strategy is to create environments that support a functional everyday life on campuses.

Current state analysis of campus development

The current state analysis of campus development published in spring 2019 provides guidelines for future development work. During the spring of 2019, extensive information was collected on campus facilities, operations, operating environments, and actors.

Campuses as a platform for co-operation and building an ecosystem


The operating environments foster cooperation both within the community and with the business world, and the public and third sectors. They create a platform for co-operation and building an ecosystem.

The opening up of facilities to the surrounding society

The opening up of facilities to the surrounding society supports the vitality and internationalization of research, innovation and development activities.

Modern campus environments

Up to date campus environments that support the Universities’ actions are a significant factor influencing the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Universities community both domestically and internationally.

Responsibly for the benefit of the environment and community

Social and cultural responsibility

Accessible jointly used spaces that change according to the users’ work methods foster the community spirit and the multicultural, equal encounters between fields of science.

Ecological responsibility

According to national climate goals, the Ministry of Education and Culture expects higher education institutions to also take action. The goal of the Tampere Universities’ community is to be carbon neutral by 2030. By 2030 and as part of fulfilling this goal, the number of the community’s facilities will be decreased by 25 percent from the level they were at in 2019.

Economic responsibility

Adaptable jointly used facilities and the development of operations supporting them enable a more efficient use of the facilities and a better occupancy rate. Facilities with duplicate functions may also be abandoned and used in a manner that meets the user needs better. In the long run, this will yield economic benefits.

Five-year strategic project

Campus development is one of the university’s five-year strategic projects. The project focuses on the development of campus environments that promote synergy benefits and strategies for the university community, with the goal of a three-campus area that supports a functioning campus sheet.
