Hyppää pääsisältöön

Medicines in Health Systems and Social Policy (MHSSP)

Tampereen yliopisto

Our mission stems from shared efforts to serve the health of society focusing on pharmaceutical policies, regulations, and actions. Policies for global health systems and society are also of key interest.

Keskeiset tehtävät ja tavoite

Pharmaceutical policy lies at the intersection of evidence about medicines, the current political landscape, and societal expectations. We focus on rigorous research, and on facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge between different stakeholders and interests, as well as informing policy decisions about pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Toiminnan vaikuttavuus

Our impact stems from the evidence we produce, as well as from knowledge generation and transfer. Interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers with diverse expertise and perspectives such as epidemiology, health economics, policy analysis, and public health help to ensure a holistic approach to evidence generation with robust pharmaceutical policy research methods and teaching relating to pharmaceutical policy.

Ryhmän muut jäsenet

Associate Professor Anita Wagner: https://www.populationmedicine.org/awagner