Hyppää pääsisältöön

Marja Jylhä

professori (emerita)

Oma esittely

Olen gerontologian professori Tampereen yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunnassa terveystieteiden yksikössä. Toimin Gerontologian tutkimuskeskuksessa (GEREC) ja olen Suomen Akatemian rahoittaman Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikön (CoEAgeCare) ryhmänjohtaja. Kesästä 2021 alkaen olen eläkkeellä kokopäivätoimesta, mutta jatkan työtäni osapäiväisessä peofessorin tehtävässä. 




Member of the AXA Research Fund´s Scientific Board 2021- 

Ihmisoikeusvaltuuskunta 2020-2024


pitkäikäisyys, ikääntyvien terveys, toimintakyky ja elämänlaatu, ikääntyneiden palvelut, ikääntyvä yhteiskunta


Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus (GEREC) sekä Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuykskkö (CoEAgeCare)

Merkittävimmät julkaisut

21 (ehkä) tärkeintä julkaisua

1. Kananen, L, Enroth, L, Raitanen, J, Jylhava, J, Buerkle, A, Moreno-Villanueva, M, Bernhardt, J, Toussaint, O, Grubeck-Loebenstein, B, Malavolta, M, Basso, A, Piacenza, F, Collino, S, Gonos, E, S, Sikora, E, Gradinaru, D, Jansen, E. H. J. M, Dolle, M. E. T, Salmon, M, Stuetz, W, Weber, D, Grune, T, Breusing, N, Simm, A, Capri, M, Franceschi, C, Slagboom, P. E, Talbot, D. C. S, Libert, C, Koskinen, S, Bruunsgaard, H, Hansen, AM, Lund, R, Hurme, M, Jylhä, M. Self-rated health in individuals with and without disease is associated with multiple biomarkers representing multiple biological domains. Scientific Reports 11, 6139, 2021. DOI: /10.1038/s41598-021-85668-7.

2. Enroth L, Raitanen J, Halonen P, Tiainen K, Jylhä M. Trends of Physical Functioning, Morbidity and Disability-free Life Expectancy among the Oldest Old: Six Repeated Cross-sectional Surveys between 2001 and 2018 in the Vitality 90+ Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci: 76(7): 1227-33, 2021 glaa144, 2020. DOI:10.1093/gerona/glaa144.

3. Lisko, I, Törmäkangas, T, Jylhä, M. Structure of self-rated health among the oldest old: Analyses in the total population and those living with dementia. SSM Popul Health. 2020 Mar 18; 11:100567. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100567. PMID: 32258355; PMCID: PMC7110410.

4. Raitanen J, Stenholm S, Tiainen K, Jylhä M, Nevalainen J. Longitudinal change in physical functioning and dropout due to death among the oldest old: a comparison of three methods of analysis. European Journal of Ageing 17 (2): 207-216, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-019-00533-x.

5. Jylhä M. New ages of life – emergence of the oldest-old. Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology: 479- 488, 2020. Ed. S. Rattan. Elsevier 2020. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.11395-9.

6. Halonen P, Raitanen J, Jämsen E, Enroth L, Jylhä M: Chronic conditions and multimorbidity in population aged 90 years and over: associations with mortality and long-term care. Age & Ageing 48 (4): 564-570, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afz019.

7. Aaltonen M, Forma L, Pulkki J, Raitanen J, Rissanen P, Jylhä M. The joint impact of age at death and dementia on long-term care use in the last years of life - changes from 1996 to 2013 in Finland. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 5, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/2333721419870629.

8. Hoogendijk, EO, van der Noordt M, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Deeg DJ.H, Huisman M, Enroth L, Jylhä M. Sex differences in healthy life expectancy among nonagenarians: A multistate survival model using data from Vitality 90+ study. Experimental Gerontology 116: 80-85, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2018.12.015. Epub 2018 Dec 24. PMID: 30590122.

9. Joshi PK, Pirastu N, Kentistou KA, Fischer K, Hofer E; Jylhä M; Wilson J.F. Genome-wide meta-analysis associates HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA and lifestyle factors with human longevity. Nat Commun. 8(1):910, 2017 Oct. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00934-5. PMID: 29030599 Free PMC Article.

10. Nosraty L, Jylhä M, Raittila T, Lumme-Sandt K. Perceptions by the oldest old of successful aging, Vitality 90+ Study. J Aging Stud. 32:50-8, 2015 Jan. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2015.01.002. (Epub 2015 Jan 23). PubMed PMID: 25661856.

11. Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A, Nostraty L, Jylha M. Is socioeconomic status a predictor of mortality in nonagenarians? The Vitality 90+ study. Age and Ageing 44(1):123-9, 2014. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afu092.

12. Galenkamp H, Deeg DJH, Huisman M, Hervonen A, Braam AW, Jylhä M. Is self-rated health still sensitive for changes in disease and functioning among nonagenarians? J Gerontol Psych Sci Soc Sci 68(5):848-858. 2013. DOI: 10.1093/geronh/gbt067. 

13. Tiainen K, Luukkaala T, Hervonen A, Jylhä M. Predictors of mortality in men and women aged 90 years and older: nine-year follow-up. Age & Ageing 42:468-475, 2013. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/aft030t.

14. Jylhä M. What is self-rated health and why does it predict mortality? Towards a unified conceptual model. Soc Sci Med 69(3):307-316, 2009 (Epub 10 June 2009).

15. Jylhä M, Volpato S, Guralnik JM: Self-rated health showed a graded association with frequently used biomarkers in a large population sample. J Clin Epidemiol 59 (5): 465-471, 2006. 

16. Jylha M. Old age and loneliness: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in the Tampere Longitudinal Study on Aging. Can J Aging. 23(2):157-68, 2004. 

17. Jylhä M, Guralnik JM, Balfour J, Fried LF: Walking difficulty, walking speed, and age as determinants of self-rated health, the Women´s Health and Aging Study. J Gerontol A_Biol 56A (10):M609-M617, 2001.

18. Jylhä M, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L; Jokela J, Heikkinen E.: Is self-rated health comparable across genders and cultures? J Gerontol: Soc Sci 53B (3): S144 - S152, 1998.

19. Jylhä M: Self rated health revisited: exploring survey interview episodes with elderly respondents. Soc Sci Med 39(7):983-990, 1994.

20. Jylhä M. Vanheneminen, toiminta ja vuorovaikutus. Kirjassa: Vanheneminen ja elämänkulku, s. 106-134. Toim. P Pohjolainen, M Jylhä. Weilin & Göös, Mänttä, 1990. (Ageing, activity and interaction)

21. Jylhä M, Jokela J: Individual experiences as cultural - a cross cultural study on loneliness among the elderly. Ageing and Society 10:295-315, 1990.