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MicroBlock – Advancing the exchange of micro-credentials in EBSI

Funded by the EU
Tampere University
Duration of project1.8.2021–31.12.2023
Area of focusTechnology

MicroBlock is a two-year (2021–2023) blockchain research project, in which Tampere University and Finland are connected to European EBSI-blockchain infrastructure. In practice, an EBSI-node is set up and deployed in fall 2021, followed by a pilot study about the management of micro-credentials (digital certifications about short-term learning experiences) in the infrastructure, both from end-user and organizational perspectives. The aim of the project is also to advance the adoption and utilization of blockchain services in Tampere University, ECIU University network, and beyond through research-based evidence.

Project is led by Professors Henri Pirkkalainen and Samuli Pekkola from Faculty of Management and Business, and Professor Kari Systä from Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences. Considering digitalization development and ECIU-collaboration, the project is supported by Chief Digitalization Officer Juha Eskelinen and Project Manager Juhani Linna.

Project is funded by Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA), and it is supported by Finnish Ministry of Finance, Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and IT Center for Science CSC.

Project background

The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) is a network of distributed nodes across Europe that will deliver cross-border public services. Blockchain technology will ultimately enhance the way citizens, governments and business interact.

The infrastructure is made up of different layers including: a base layer containing the basic infrastructure, connectivity, the blockchain and necessary storage; a core services layer that will enable all EBSI-based use cases and applications; layers dedicated to use cases and specific applications.

EBSI aims to become a ‘’gold standard’’ digital infrastructure to support the launch and operation of EU-wide cross-border public services leveraged by blockchain technology.

EBSI aims to establish itself in ‘virtually’ every public sector domain that can benefit from blockchain technology. EBSI will focus on specific use cases where blockchain technology can enhance cross-border digital public services.


Logo of ECIULogo of CEF DIgital connecting Europe

Funding source

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). This project-page reflects only the author's view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.