The Customer-Oriented Marketing Research Group examines research phenomena essentially from the customers perspective. The group publishes in international, high-quality scientific journals and conferences especially in the areas of strategic marketing, consumer behavior and consumer research, customer value and customer experience as well as decision-making research.
Research focus and goals
The Customer-Oriented Marketing Research Group explores and analyzes various consumer and business phenomena from customer perspectives. The goal of the research group is to identify and develop ways to bring the voice of the customer into the decision-making processes of companies and organisations. The group brings together experts in business-to-consumer marketing (B2C), consumer behaviour and strategic and managerial perspectives on marketing, among other things. The group publishes research papers on strategic marketing, consumer behaviour, customer value, business transformations, customer experience and decision-making in high-quality international journals.
The research group publishes research in scientific, international, high quality journals and participates in the central conferences in marketing and consumer research fields. Through its research activities, the group helps companies and other organisations to develop their customer orientation, to identify potential sources for competitive advantage and to emphasize the customer’s perspective in their strategic decision-making. The group produces knowledge also to other central stakeholders, including consumers and political decision-makers.
Recent publications of the research group can be found here.
Hannu Saarijärvi
Professor, markkinointiMembers
Other members
Doctoral researchers Tiina-Kaisa Kuuru and Saara Huotari are active members of the research group, but are employed elsewhere.
Contact persons
Hannu Saarijärvi
hannu.saarijarvi [at]
+358 40 535 1369