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Woman walking in a forest.

Ecological responsibility

Our goal is to create solutions to overcome climate change, preserve the natural environment and consider the well-being of the environment and biodiversity in all our activities.

Carbon neutral universities community

Tampere Universities have pledged to become carbon neutral by 2030. Both Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences have made this commitment. 2030 is also the Tampere region’s target year for achieving carbon neutrality.

Carbon footprint calculations

Calculating the carbon footprint of the Tampere Universities is a central step towards carbon neutrality. The first carbon footprint calculation covered the year 2019, and the latest report has covered our carbon footprint in 2022.

Tampere Universities Community carbon footprint divided in different categories.

The carbon footprint of Tampere Universities Community in 2022 was about 20 300 t CO2 ekv. The share of Tampere University is about 15 500 t CO2 ekv (77,5 %) and Tampere University of Applied Sciences  4 800 t CO2 ekv (22,5 %). Procurement of goods and services, which were included in the calculation in full for the first time, created the biggest share of the total carbon footprint. Procurement of goods and services constitutes almost half of the total carbon footprint. If also procurement of IT and research infrastructures are included the share increases to about 70 %. The runners-ups for the biggest carbon footprint are travelling and management of properties.

The calculation process has been executed by a working group, which includes representatives from different functions of the Universities.

Annual calculation is a monitoring tool for carbon footprint reduction. A roadmap has been drafted to support the carbon neutrality work. The carbon neutrality work continues with drafting of an action plan and mapping ways to reduce the carbon footprint. Along with carbon footprint reductions, carbon neutrality calls for collectively increasing our carbon handprint and strategy for compensating the remaining footprint.



Solutions for the renewal of sustainable society

We are committed to promoting sustainable development in our research, development and innovation activities and to finding solutions for the sustainable renewal of society.