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Tampere Imaging Facility - light microscopy core

Tampere University
Kauppi Campus
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Tampere Imaging Facility (TIF) - light microscopy core

The light microscopy facility offers state-of-the-art equipment for mesoscopic and high resolution bioimaging of tissues, small model organisms, biomaterials, tissue engineering products and advanced cell cultures both in 2D and 3D thus offering services for both life scientists and biomedical engineers.

Tampere Imaging Facility (TIF) is a light microscopy core unit located in the Arvo building on the Kauppi campus of the Tampere University. It offers state-of-the-art imaging solutions for life and material scientists. Facility includes several microscope systems for bioimaging of living and fixed specimens: spinning disk and laser scanning confocal microscopes, super-resolution structured illumination microscope, and widefield microscopes. In addition to the fluorescent microsopes, there are data processing and analysis stations available with deconvolution, visualization and image quantification possibilities.

Light microscopy core facility provides training for users, organizes imaging related courses and actively participates teaching at the Tampere University. 


Microscopy and Image Analysis services (Sanni abroad in 2024)

Users now have the option to outsource their microscopy tasks or image analysis to our imaging specialists. We begin each project with a discussion regarding the specific needs and goals of the experimental setup, allowing us to tailor the service process to these requirements. After the planning stage, our specialist manages the entire project from start to finish, ensuring professional image acquisition and data quality. Instead of struggling with new devices or spending hours at the microscope, our users can focus on the results and their interpretation.

Through our imaging services, our objective is to offer a cost-effective solution for all imaging needs. Our billing system is very straightforward. The specialist bills the hours dedicated to the project plus the price of the device reservation. 

Below are some examples of the services we provide:

  • Planning and execution of experiments, such as live-cell, confocal or super-resolution imaging.
  • Planning and execution of image processing and analysis tasks, such as deconvolution, channel alignment, drift correction, segmentation, colocalization, and more.
  • ImageJ macros for batch processing.
  • Measurements and data analysis tasks with ImageJ, Cell Profiler, Imaris, Python, RStudio, and more.

 Would you like to collaborate with us? Contact us via our shared email (cofamicroscopy [at] or directly message the project specialist (sanni.eramies [at]


Booking system

Agendo booking system

Publishing results obtained at the Tampere Imaging Facility

All the users of the Tampere Imaging Facility (TIF) services are obligated to acknowledge the facility and Biocenter Finland (BF) in publications, prefereably using the following phrase:

“The authors acknowledge the Biocenter Finland (BF) and Tampere Imaging Facility (TIF) for the service.”

This facility is partly supported by the Biocenter Finland technology platform network.



In addition, we request that you add Tampere Imaging Facility as Facilities/Equipment for that publication in TUNICRIS.  

This allows us to monitor our contribution to the research community and helps us to gather funding to acquire new equipment.


Biocenter Finland logo.


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