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6G Bridge - 6G software for extremely distributed and heterogeneous massive networks of connected devices

Tampere University
Duration of project1.3.2023–28.2.2026
Area of focusTechnology

Developing and managing 5G and especially 6G software will demand totally new software development methods, tools, processes, and architectures. We need novel industry scale software engineering to support the integrated development of heterogeneous systems that include software platforms, cloud, big data, AI, edge, IoT, and quantum computing.

The number of connected devices will explode and they all have software. They range from micro-level devices with very limited processing capability to larger connected devices with strong processing power and large applications in the cloud. Different parts of the distributed systems are owned and managed by various stakeholders. Current architectures, orchestration, and scalability methods and tools are not capable of supporting such complex, heterogeneous, and highly distributed 6G software systems.

In addition, the application of current technologies will create a very high energy overhead, due to the lack of optimization for such a large number of connected devices. Finland as a nation is in 6G in a similar situation as Nokia in early 2000. Nokia failed to transform into a software company and lost the whole mobile phone business. Finland cannot afford to make the same mistake in 6G.

In order to address the aforementioned issues, our project is aimed at archiving four main goals: 1) Development of 6G-era sustainable software development methods, processes, and tools. 2) Development of Energy-Aware 6G orchestration and scalability models and tools. 3) architectural support for 6G software. Business-driven 6G software development models.


Business Finland

Coordinating organisation

University of Oulu


LUT University
University of Jyväskylä