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New citation database Overton

Published on 8.12.2022
Tampere Universities
Kuvakaappaus Overton-palvelun etusivulta.
The database helps to observe where an institution’s research may be influencing decision-making or changing practices.

Overton is the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank publications. The data have been collected from thousands of sources worldwide. In addition, the database contains information on citations to academic publications contained in these documents. The service allows you to search for so-called grey literature, or study how certain academic publications have been cited in non-academic publications.

You will find Overton on the Library's Databases A-Z list. 
Here you can explore the content of the service directly. The service does not require registration, but by registering you can save your previous searches and report views.

More information and feedback: lib.metrics [at]