Dimensions Analytics – a new research analytics tool
A training session by Digital Science will take place on Wednesday 25th September 2024 from 14:00 to 15:00 and will be conducted in English. The Zoom link can be found in the intranet event. The training will be recorded. The recording will be available for two weeks.
Link to the recording:
Zoom link: https://digital-science.zoom.us/rec/share/L8P62aozLcd8lX2H9hjv5aXMiKI82QYbB4IM1OT_5r6Ltne4T_uWHVW1acSCbJrY.rDUBthdA9d0jCF46
Passcode: sC%%PiS9
You can find the service in Andor search service and in Databases A-Z list. By using this version of the service, acquired by the library, you will have access to a wider range of content and analysis options, including donor data and patents. You should create a user account to save your own searches.
For more information: lib.metrics [at] tuni.fi (lib[dot]metrics[at]tuni[dot]fi)