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Sharing large files

Tampere University and TAMK

Funet File Sender is a service intended for sharing large files. The size limit for files that can be transferred at once is 300 gigabytes.

The information required to receive the file is sent to the recipient as a standard e-mail message. Anyone who receives the notification message can use a web browser to retrieve the file from the service. The service is not suitable for long-term storage of files because the files will be deleted from the service after a deadline.


  • Access the service at Funet FileSender
  • Make sure you use the correct email addresses for the the recipients
  • Ask the recipients to download the file as soon as possible and
  • Remove the file from the service as soon as the recipients have downloaded it

If the files to be transferred contain personal data or otherwise confidential content, the files must be encrypted with a separate program before the transfer. The FileSender service has a function for encrypting files, but it is not an sufficient method of protection. Instructions for encrypting files can be found on the pages Management and storage of research data and Encrypting files. Deliver the password you used to encrypt the files to the recipient via SMS to their personal number.

The service is produced by CSC --  IT Center for Science Ltd. 

IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 1.2.2019
Updated: 1.7.2024