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Personal homepage

Tampere University and TAMK

The service enables you can create a personal web page for professional or study-related purposes.

Service support only static content and doesn’t support for example php or databases.

Remember that you can edit your personal profile on the intranet and the website to showcase your expertise and, for example, publications.

The URL format of homepages is

The format is reserved for your personal profile on the public website.

Requesting user rights

  • Request user rights at
    1. Identity management
    2. Manage your own user rights
    3. Apply for a new user right
    4. Type “Linux servers (LINUX-SERVERS) personal homepage service” as a search term and click Choose.
  • Your new user rights to become valid in about one hour. You will not receive a separate notification that your rights have been activated.

Updating your homepage

Once your user rights have been activated, you will be able to connect to the server via SSH (e.g. WinSCP) with your TUNI account and password.
Please note that you must set up a VPN connection to connect to the server from outside the campus network.

You can create the public_html folder in the home directory of your web page so the files appear at (the first name and last name will be the same as in your TUNI email address).

If you transfer an existing homepage to the server, please consider the following points:

  • If the default character set of the old server differs from the new server and has not been specified for html documents, any Scandinavian letters (ä, ö and å) included in your homepage may appear scrambled. The easiest fix is to add the following line to the .htaccess file:
    AddDefaultCharset iso-8859-1
  • If you have directories that you only use to share files, the list of files will not be displayed by default. To show the contents of the directory, add the following line to the .htaccess file:
    Options +Indexes
  • If you use WinSCP, hidden files (files with a filename starting with a dot) will not be displayed by default. To show these files, select the checkbox:
    View -> Preferences -> Panels -> Show hidden files.  
    •    If there is no file with the filename .htaccess, you can create the file by selecting File -> New -> File.

Site owner’s responsibilities

  • The homepage owner is solely responsible for the costs of creating and maintaining the page.
  • The homepage owner is responsible for data protection and the GDPR compliance of the page.

Read more about the IT terms of use on the intranet.

IT Helpdesk
+358 294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 15.10.2020
Updated: 19.6.2023