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Search service

Tampere University and TAMK

The web hosting service is a  LAMP platform for sites that require a script language, database, single sign-on or some other features that are not offered by the website builder.

The user is required to have a basic understanding of operating in a command line environment.

Before setting up a new website, browse the alternatives offered by Tampere Universities and consult with the Communications unit (viestinta.tau [at] (viestinta[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi )or viestinta.tamk [at] (viestinta[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi)).

Student organizations in the university community can order their own website in the environment.

Websites created with the service can receive a short URL in the format, provided that the website features the logo of Tampere Universities and is in line with the visual identity guidelines.

Software and support

The web hosting services includes the following:

  • web server
  • the MariaDB database
  • PHP/Perl/Python support
  • SSH/SFTP connection to the serve
  • TUNI single sign-on (Shibboleth)
  • back-up copies
  • server upgrades and maintenance

The web hosting services does not include the following:

  • support for creating the website
  • Java/Tomcat support

Site owner’s responsibilities

Request a new website

Send an email to it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi )

  1. Email subject line: New website for
  2. Website name in Finnish and English:
  3. Short description of the site in Finnish and English:
  4. Responsible persons: site owners and technical responsible persons:
  5. Responsibility unit:
  6. Is a database required:
  7. Estimated website lifespan:
  8. Possible redirection from an old website; URL of the old website

After sending the request, the site owner will receive instructions for setting up the website and more information about usernames and access rights. 

Instructions for granting and revoking update privileges

  1. Sign in at Please note! You need to set up a VPN connection if you are working from home. 
  2. Select Identity Management > Manage user rights/User rights administration
  3. Select the site and the category of user rights >  View
  4. To grant the selected right to a user, go to Users > Add User.
  5. Type the user’s name or email address as a search term. 
  6. Click Add+ to add the person to the list of authorised users.  
  7. Confirm the addition by choosing Grant user right.

It will take 24 hours for the changes to take effect.

Instructions for requesting update privileges

Site owners are able to grant update privileges to users. If you do not know who the site owner is, send an inquiry to it-helpdesk [at]

IT Helpdesk
+358 294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 16.11.2020
Updated: 19.6.2023