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I am interested in multimodal social interaction in everyday situations and in public spaces. My research operates at the crossroads of ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, human geography and peace and conflict studies.



Merkittävimmät julkaisut

JULKAISUT 2017–2022

Pehkonen, Samu (2022). Poliisi ja puhumisen taito. In: M. Vesterback (ed.) Kun isolla kengällä astuu, jää iso jälki. Tampere: Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu.

Pehkonen, Samu (2022). Recognising understandability: how police officers respond to drunk persons’ undecipherable turns. Journal of Pragmatics, 187, 41–57.

Pehkonen, Samu, Smith, Thomas Aneurin & Smith, Robin J. (2022). Maps, mobility, and perspective: remarks on map use in producing an orienteering course. Mobilities, 17:1, 152–178.

Pehkonen, Samu (2021). Directive actions in three assistance-orientated activities between Finnish police officers and drunken persons. Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 22, 615–647. 

Pehkonen, Samu, Siitonen, Pauliina & Rauniomaa, Mirka (2021). Participating researcher or researching participant? On possible positions of the researcher in the collection (and analysis) of mobile video data. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 4:2. 

Pehkonen, Samu (2021). Coaches’ self-initiated complaints on referees in ice hockey postgame press conferences. Communication & Sport 9:4, 670–692.

Pehkonen, Samu (2020). Miksi poliisin puheviestinnällä on väliä? Luottamussuhteen rakentuminen poliisin ja nuorison välisissä kasvokkaisissa kohtaamisissa. Oikeus 49:1, 24–46.

Pehkonen, Samu (2020). Response Cries Inviting an Alignment: Finnish huh huh. Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:1, 19–41.

Pehkonen, Samu (2020). Huh huh asennoitumisena fyysiseen rasitukseen [Huh huh as an expression of physical effort]. Virittäjä 124:1, 33–63.

Pehkonen, Samu (2018). Impromptu facts and moral panic: the Roma people and local communities. In Ojala-Fulwood, Maija (ed.). Migration and Multi-ethnic Communities. Mobile People from the Late Middle-Ages to the Present. DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 217–238.

Pehkonen, Samu & Ikonen, Hanna-Mari (2018). Too good to be a sport? Why dog agility struggles in gaining recognition as a sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 53:6, 745–761. 

Ikonen, Hanna-Mari & Pehkonen, S. (2017). ‘I <3 my high-performance dog’: Love for the sport in agility coach representations in social media. Sport in Society 20:11, 1684–1698. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2017.1310201.

Pehkonen, Samu (2017). Choreographing the Performer–Audience Interaction. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 46:6, 699–722. 

Väyrynen, Tarja, Puumala, Eeva, Pehkonen, Samu, Kynsilehto, Anitta & Vaittinen Tiina (2017). Choreographies of Resistance. Mobile Bodies and Relational Politics. London: Rowman & Littlefield.