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Työskentelen apurahatutkijana johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunnassa.


Tällä hetkellä (2022-) työskentelen Koneen Säätiön rahoittamana apurahatutkijana PROMISES-hankkeessa (https://www.upf.edu/web/promises/). Hanketta johtaa tohtori Markku Lehtonen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).

Vuosina 2015-2021 työskentelin tutkijatohtorina ja koordinaattorina prof. Pami Aallon johtamassa STN-rahoitteisessa EL-TRAN-hankkeessa (https://el-tran.fi/ ). Toimin myös KYT2022-tutkimusohjelmaan (http://kyt2022.vtt.fi/ ) kuuluvan SOLID-hankkeen hankepäällikkönä (2019-2020).

Osaamisalueiden kuvaus

ydinvoima- ja ydinjätepolitiikka, energiamurros, kansalaisosallistuminen, hyväksyttävyys, kompensaatiot


ydinvoima- ja ydinjätepolitiikka, energiamurros, kansalaisosallistuminen, hyväksyttävyys, sosiaalinen toimilupa, kompensaatiot, sähköautopolitiikka


politiikan tutkimus


Acquiring SOcial LIcense for Disposal: trust and acceptance (SOLID), funded by The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Waste Management (KYT2022), 100 000 € (2019), 80 000 € (2020)

Merkittävimmät julkaisut

Kojo, Matti, Ruostetsaari, Ilkka, Valta, Jussi, Aalto, Pami & Järventausta, Pertti (2022) From acceptability and acceptance to active behavioural support. Engaging the general public in the transition of the electric energy system in Finland. In F. Karimi, & M. Rodi (Eds.), Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Understanding Stakeholder Engagement and Community Acceptance. Routledge. 

Kojo, Matti, Aro, Kalle, Kotilainen, Kirsi, Mori, Akihisa, Pääkkönen, Anna, Rautiainen, Antti, Valta, Jussi, Aalto, Pami, Konttinen, Jukka, Sovacool, Benjamin (2021) Policies for climate neutral road transport. In P. Aalto (Ed.), Electrification. Accelerating the Energy Transition. Academic Press

Lehtonen, Markku, Kojo, Matti, Kari, Mika, Jartti, Tuija, & Litmanen, Tapio (2021) Trust, mistrust and distrust as blind spots of Social Licence to Operate: illustration via three forerunner countries in nuclear waste management. Journal of Risk Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2021.1957987

Kari, Mika, Kojo, Matti, & Lehtonen, Markku (2021) Role of the host communities in final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finland and Sweden. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 133, [103632]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2021.103632 

Lehtonen, Markku, Kojo, Matti, Kari, Mika, & Litmanen, Tapio (2021) Healthy mistrust or complacent confidence? Civic vigilance in the reporting by leading newspapers on nuclear waste disposal in Finland and France. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1002/rhc3.12210

Lehtonen, Markku, Kojo, Matti, Jartti, Tuija, Litmanen, Tapio & Kari, Mika (2020) The roles of the state and social licence to operate? Lessons from nuclear waste management in Finland, France, and Sweden, Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 61, 101353, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2019.101353

Kojo, Matti, Kari, Mika, Litmanen, Tapio, Vilhunen, Tuuli & Lehtonen, Markku (2020) The critical Swedes and the consensual Finns: Leading newspapers as watchdogs or lapdogs of nuclear waste repository licensing? Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 61, 101354, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2019.101354

Lehtonen, Markku & Kojo, Matti (2019) The Role and Functions of Community Benefit Schemes: A Comparison of the Finnish and French Nuclear Waste Disposal Projects. In: Achim Brunnengräber & Maria Rosaria Di Nucci (Eds.), Conflicts, Participation and Acceptability in Nuclear Waste Governance. An International Comparison Volume III, Springer VS. p. 175–205. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-27107-7_10 

Vilhunen, Tuuli, Kojo, Matti, Litmanen, Tapio & Taebi, Behnam (2019) Perceptions of Justice influencing Community Acceptance of Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal. A Case Study in Two Finnish Nuclear Communities. Journal of Risk Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2019.1569094

Aalto, Pami, Nyyssönen, Heino, Kojo, Matti & Pal, Pallavi (2017) Russian nuclear energy diplomacy in Finland and Hungary. Eurasian Geography and Economics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15387216.2017.1396905

Kojo, Matti & Innola, Eeva (2017) Carbon Capture and Storage in the Finnish print media. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. Vol 8, Issue 2, 113–146, DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12111

Litmanen, Tapio, Kari, Mika, Kojo, Matti & Solomon, Barry (2017) Is There a Nordic Model of Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel? Governance Insights from Finland and Sweden. Energy Research & Social Science. 25, 19-30.

Lehtonen, Markku, Kojo, Matti & Litmanen, Tapio (2016) The Finnish success story in the governance of a megaproject: the (minimal) role of socioeconomic evaluation in the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. In: Lehtonen, M, Joly, P-B & Aparicio, L, (eds) Socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects. Dealing with uncertainties. (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies). More about the book: https://www.routledge.com/Socioeconomic-Evaluation-of-Megaprojects-Dealing-with-uncertainties/Lehtonen-Joly-Aparicio/p/book/9781138656116 

Litmanen, Tapio, Kojo, Matti, Kari, Mika & Vesalainen, Jurgita (2016) Does technical risk dialogue entail socioeconomic valuation? The case of scientific dispute over copper corrosion in a spent nuclear fuel disposal project. In: Lehtonen, M, Joly, P-B & Aparicio, L, (eds) Socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects. Dealing with uncertainties. (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies). More about the book: https://www.routledge.com/Socioeconomic-Evaluation-of-Megaprojects-Dealing-with-uncertainties/Lehtonen-Joly-Aparicio/p/book/9781138656116

Ylönen, Marja, Litmanen, Tapio, Kojo, Matti & Lindell, Pirita (2015) (De)politicisation of Nuclear Power: The Finnish Discussion After Fukushima. Public Understanding of Science. (doi: 10.1177/0963662515613678)

Kojo, Matti & Richardson, Phil (2014) The use of community benefits approaches in the siting of nuclear waste management facilities. Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol 4. 34–42.

Litmanen, Tapio, Kojo, Matti & Nurmi, Anna (2012) Socio-Technical Challenges of Finland's Nuclear Waste Policy: Discussion of the Techno-Scientific Community on the Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. 3(3), 83–103.

Kojo, Matti, Kari, Mika & Litmanen, Tapio (2012) Nuclear community considering threats and benefits of final disposal. Local opinions regarding the spent nuclear fuel repository in Finland International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. 15(2), 124–145.

Litmanen, Tapio & Kojo, Matti (2011) Not excluding nuclear power. The dynamics and stability of nuclear power policy arrangements in Finland. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 8(3), 171–194.

Litmanen, Tapio, Kojo, Matti & Kari, Mika (2010) The rationality of acceptance in a nuclear community: analysing residents’ opinions on the expansion of the SNF repository in the municipality of Eurajoki, Finland. International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology. 3(1), 42–58.

Kojo, Matti & Litmanen, Tapio (eds.) (2009) The Renewal of Nuclear Power in Finland. Energy, Climate and the Environment Series. Palgrave Macmillan. Houndmills.