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Tutkimus, opetus, HOPS, filosofian tohtoriohjelman vastuuhenkilö

Osaamisalueiden kuvaus

metafysiikka, trooppinominalismi, universaalien ongelma, David Humen (1711-1776) filosofia (erityisesti metafysiikka, epistemologia ja skeptisismi), skeptisismin historia


Ks. osaamisalueet yllä.



Merkittävimmät julkaisut

1. “Quantity Tropes and Internal Relations” (together with Dr Markku Keinänen and Dr Antti Keskinen, third author). Erkenntnis 84 (3) (2019), 519–34.

2. “Kinds of Tropes without Kinds” (together with Dr Markku Keinänen and Dr Antti Keskinen, second author). Dialectica 72 (4) (2018), 571–96.

3. “What Are Tropes Fundamentally? A Formal Ontological Account”. Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 94: Action, Value and Metaphysics, 129-159.

4. “The Ontological Form of Tropes – Refuting Douglas Ehring’s Main Argument against Standard Trope Nominalism” (together with Dr Markku Keinänen, first author). Philosophia, 45 (2) (2017), 647-658.

5. “Hume as a Trope Nominalist”. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (sup1) (2012), pp. 55-66.

6. “The Problem of Trope Individuation” (together with Dr Markku Keinänen, second author). Erkenntnis 79 (1) (2014), pp. 65-79.

7. “A Third Type Distinction in the Treatise”. Hume Studies Vol. 38, Number 1, (2012), pp. 55-78.

8. “Hume's Scepticism and Realism”. British Journal for the History of Philosophy Vol. 20, Number 12, (2012), pp. 283-309.

9. “Hume on the Distinction between Primary and Secondary Qualities”. Vanishing Matter and the Laws of Nature: Descartes and Beyond (Routledge: 2011), pp. 235-59.

10. “Persistence of Simple Substances” (together with Dr Markku Keinänen, second author). Metaphysica Vol. 11, Issue 2 (2010), pp. 119-135.

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