Hyppää pääsisältöön

Arto Hippula

yhteyspäällikkö, Industrial Liaison Manager
Tampereen yliopisto
Sähköpostiosoitearto.hippula [at] tuni.fi

Oma esittely

I am a professional project founder and work daily for assembling consortiums consisting of parties including industrial or other interest groups for collaboration, co-invention, co-development and co-exploitation of research projects and results resulted. 

As an important part of my work I make a lot of innovative ideation about by whom and how interactive technology could be utilized for industrial and commercial benefits as well as for whom we could develop easier, safer and more effective use of computer based systems, services and machines. Founding research consortiums necessitates integration of different knowledge of the parties in the consortium into the scientific knowledge existing or being developed as well as of the interests of the funding parties. Very often the consortium collaboration leads to innovative new ideas derived by the interest groups. 

With my experience and education it is easy for me to understand needs and options for applying of interactive technology for solving needs and problems of numerous interest groups and industries reaching from users with special needs into defense and industrial automation. 

I have also specific knowledge for users with special needs as I have earlier worked in a Nordic funding organization for assistive technology. Thus I know the Nordic welfare systems as well as problems of different user groups with disabilities and impairments.