Leadership for change (LFC) – Master’s degree programme is organized in English. LFC brings together the perspectives of business and management from the private sector, the understanding about institutions and governance from the public administration as well as the knowledge of international relations and political processes from the area of politics. The programme provides students with a unique understanding of these different fields with a specific focus on leading the dynamics of societal change processes.
The master’s degree programme in Responsible Business (Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan maisteriohjelma) is a degree programme in Finnish language. This programme will be presented in Finnish, and thus we will have a short break for those who wish to leave at this point. In the Responsible Business programme, students gain a wide understanding of various responsibility perspectives to business and are able to develop sustainability and social responsibility of organizations.
Please check out our websites and join us to hear more about the programme and ask any questions you may have relating to the studies, career opportunities or application to these programmes!
Responsible Business, Vastuullinen liiketoiminta
Register latest 5.12.2023. Zoom links will be shared in the morning on 7.12.
Update 7.12.: Please contact Anna.Hannula [at] tuni.fi if you have not received the Zoom link.
Lotta Sihvo Matikainen