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Rivissä oikealle katsovia hymyileviä eri ikäisiä ja taustaisia ihmisiä

Continuing Education

We offer different types of continuing education to help you stay on top of the changing working life. Regardless of whether you want to develop your professional skills, specialise, head for a new career or try studying in an interesting field, we have a suitable solution for you. If you have any questions or you cannot find what you are looking for in our present-day selection, please feel free to contact us!

Open Higher Education

At the open university and open UAS, you can study parts of higher education degrees regardless of your age, background or basic education.

Tailored educational services for companies and organisations

In Finland

Tree – Continuing Education team offers tailored continuing education courses for organisations on various fields.

Contact us at kehityosaajana [at]


Education Export teams tailor educational services for our partners in all continents.

Do you have questions about continuing education?

We are here for you if you are looking for a training after a degree. If you need assistance considering degree programmes please have a look at the Study with us -page.