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About me

I am a senior lecturer of public law at Tampere University.

In the past, I have worked as a senior lecturer of public law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, as a special expert at the Ministry of Justice and in expert positions at the Ministry of Education and Culture. In addition to this, I have worked as a university researcher in several different projects. I am principal investigator of a sub-project of the Strategic Research Council's (STN) Deca research project (link below).

I have degree doctor of laws (LL.D.) and I have the title of docent (or Associate professor) in media law at the University of Helsinki.

At the University of Tampere, I have worked as a fixed-term university lecturer in the years 2015-2020 and as a permanent university lecturer from autumn 2022.

In addition to the academy, I have held various expert positions in legislative work, committees of the Finnish Parliament and in media.


Research, teaching and social interaction in the field of public law.

I am currently teaching a graduate seminar starting in the fall of 2023 and I am in charge of advanced studies in administrative law. I also acted as a supervisor for the doctoral students.

Fields of expertise

My research profile is focused in media law and constitutional law. I have taught legal theory, copyright law, constitutional law and administrative law. I have cooperated a lot with, for example, researchers from communication studies, but also with literature researchers. My way of doing research is often interdisciplinary and I have been involved in several interdisciplinary research projects. My research topics have also been related to legal theory, legal history, tax law and legal geography.

At the moment, I am particularly interested in questions related to internet platforms from the perspectives of public sphere, regulation and the rule of law.

Latest publications