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TIETOVA: Tutkimustiedosta toimintaan ja vaikuttavuuteen: Strategisen tutkimuksen rahoitusinstrumentin arviointi


The Strategic Research Council (SRC) established within the Academy of Finland aims to fund high-quality research with great societal relevance and impact. SRC funded research seeks concrete solutions to grand challenges that require multidisciplinary approaches.


TIETOVA project evaluates the implementation process and effectiveness of the SRC instrument (period 2015-2020). The primary criteria utilized the evaluation is derived from the governmental objectives originally set for establishment of SRC. The aim is to evaluate how SRC has produced new knowledge needed in societal decision-making, and the extent this knowledge has been used in preparatory and decision-making contexts. The results of the TIETOVA project will be utilized in process of developing future guidelines for funding strategic research in Finland. 

Funding source

The project is funded by the Government’s Analysis, Assessment and Research Activities (VN-TEAS) facility

Coordinating organisation

The project is coordinated by the Tampere University (Higher Education Group), and it is lead by professor Jussi Kivistö


Contact persons

Project leader: professor Jussi Kivistö