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Patchbond II - Certification of adhesive bonded repairs for Primary Aerospace composite structures

Tampere University
Duration of project1.6.2020–30.6.2024
Area of focusTechnology

The European Defence Agency (EDA) Patchbond II project focuses on the adhesive bonded repairs of primary aerospace composite structures. Composites are widely used in aerospace structures because of their exceptional stiffness and strength related to density. Composite structures will meet damages, which are repaired using adhesively bonded patches. The certification of the bonded repair patches requires understanding adhesive bonding damages. Patchbond II project studies adhesive bonding damage onset and growth both experimentally and numerically. The structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques are also included.

The project is multinational and involves several participants from six different countries. Finnish participants are Tampere University (Plastic and Elastomer technology), Patria Aviation and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Tampere University will lead the analysis work package and be active in all work packages.

Funding source

Finnish Defence Forces


Patria Aviation (FI)

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI)

Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants (WIWeB) (DE)

Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (DE)

University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) (DE)


KVE Composites Repair (NL)

Fokker Services  B.V (NL)

Norwegian  Defence  Materiel Agency  (NDMA) (NO)

Norwegian  Defence Research Establishment (FFI) (NO)

FiReCo (NO)

Light Structures (NO)

Politecnico di Milano (IT)

Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)