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Paradigm Shift for Stopping Child Emotional Maltreatment (CEM) through Virtual Reality (VR)

Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2024–31.12.2027
Area of focusHealth, Society, Technology

STOPCEM_VR aims to create novel scientifically remarkable innovations in virtual reality (VR) concerning cutting the intergenerational chain of child emotional maltreatment (CEM) by parents. We will

  1. define and describe CEM, based on the state-of-the-art evidence,
  2. transfer these into VR, for participating voluntary parents (N=50), where they can experience these acts in the role of the child, and
  3. measure parents' empathy, sense of parental competence, risks, and behavior, pre/during/post the VR.

Parents are being interviewed after the VR, for getting their experiences about the VR situation, and for getting them express their possibly oppressive thoughts. They can also express their feelings with a therapist, as a part of their group therapy sessions on the voluntary organization they participate and where they have been recruited in this project.We will produce evidence on cutting CEM by VR, and provide VR tools for dissemination in different settings.


Research Council of Finland