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VR Morning: 2019 – the breakthrough year for industrial XR?

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 7, Tampere
Kampusklubi, Hervanta Campus Kampusareena, 5th floor
Date29.3.2019 7.00–11.00
Entrance feeFree of charge
Come to and see what kind of immersive VR and AR hot topic applications have been done by companies and research groups. Demos are available for testing and you are welcome to talk about applications in the fields of VR and AR. You have also a great chance to hear industry experts in panel discussion.

2019 – the breakthrough year for industrial XR?


Mika Karaila, Research Director, Valmet Automation
Kai Knuutila, Digitalization Manager, Glaston Corporation
Jere Paloniemi, VP Test Solutions, OptoFidelity
Kari Peltola, Chairman, VR Finland and CEO, Leonidas
Riku Rikkola, VP Business Development, Dispelix
Panel will be hosted by Ilmo Lounasmaa, VP Marketing from OptoFidelity

VR Morning is free of charge for everyone and coffee is served by host of Kampusklubi. Come and listen to industry experts, participate in discussion and be part of the leading ecosystem for XR technology and applications globally.