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Proportion of Open Access articles higher than ever at Tampere University

Published on 3.2.2020
Tampere Universities
The number of Open Access publications at Tampere University keeps rising. In 2019, over 50% of the university’s peer-reviewed publications were Open Access publications.

Especially the number of open publications for the year 2019 will still rise, because the Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication data collection and self-archiving are still ongoing. The numbers for years 2017 and 2018 increased greatly last year, due to the self-archiving drive initiated by the library. The deadline for self-archiving 2017-2018 publications is approaching fast. You can send articles you want to self-archive to oa [at] (oa[at]tuni[dot]fi) and the library will handle the process from there. We want to thank everyone who has submitted publications so far! According to the Tampere Universities' Open Science and Research Policy researchers should self-archive their scientific publications in the institutional repositories and publish their papers in high-quality Open Access channels, if there are any in the researcher’s field. 

One reason for the increased number of articles in Open Access and hybrid journals are the discounts for article processing charges provided to researchers at Tampere University since 2018. With these discounts, depending on the publisher, researchers can publish their articles with a lower article processing charge or even completely free of charge. The university and the library especially are actively developing new ways to support Open Access publishing and article processing charges. 

The new funding model for universities for the years 2021-2024 also encourages Open Access publishing. Peer-reviewed articles which have been either published in Open Access or hybrid journals or self-archived have a coefficient of 1,2 in the funding model. Publications from the year 2017 onwards are taken into account in the funding model.

Open Access increases the visibility and impact of publications. Often Open Access publications also receive more citations than publications behind paywalls. In addition, Open Access publications are available for a broader readership, which increases the visibility of research conducted at Tampere University for the general public.

For more information, please contact: oa [at] (oa[at]tuni[dot]fi ) 

Open Access guide 

Open Access publications at Tampere University