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The Library will pay the open access publication costs of all researchers affiliated to Tampere University in 2023

Published on 26.10.2022
Tampere University
viitekuvassa käsi ja koeputki, kädet tietokoneen näppäimillä ja kynää pitelevä käsi
Photo: Jonne Renvall / Tampereen yliopisto
Library to extend payment of open access publishing costs in 2023.

The Library will extend open access support funding to cover article and book processing charges for peer-reviewed publications by all researchers affiliated with Tampere University in 2023.The OA support funding is available to authors of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and monographs affiliated with the University.  

Conference publications are not eligible for OA support funding, with the exception of conference publications published in Horizon Europe funded projects. The Library does not pay other publication costs, such as image, page or editing costs. 

The criteria for OA support funding and other guidelines for 2023 will be published later.

Current OA support funding available until the end of 2022

The current open access support funding will continue until the end of 2022. It is aimed at grant holders, doctoral researchers, certain projects funded by the Academy of Finland (funding received in the calls opened after 1.1.2021) and projects funded by Horizon Europe.

For more information on OA support funding for 2022, please consult our guide.  

Discounts on article processing charges 

Members of the Tampere Higher Education Community continue to benefit from the Library’s agreements with publishers, which allow researchers to publish open access publications free of charge or with discounted article processing charge when the journal of their choice is covered by the agreement. 

For up-to-date information on these agreements, see our guide to open access publishing

Open Access can also be achieved by self-archiving

Self-archiving is a good way to make your publications openly available. In self-archiving, for example, the author's own last manuscript version (the so-called accepted manuscript version) is stored in the University's institutional repository Trepo. Some publishers allow the self-archived version to be opened immediately after the publication of the article without a publication delay. 

For more information and instructions on how to self-archive, please consult our guide

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