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The city of Tampere offering university students of Tampere a taste of ice hockey fever and Ice Hockey World Championships in May 2023!

Published on 27.3.2023
Tampere Universities
Taustalla jää, etusijalla innokkaasti tuulettava henkilö sekä pyörätuolissa istuva henkilö
Photo: The city of Tampere
The Ice Hockey World Championships will be played in Tampere, Finland and Riga, Latvia from 12 to 28 May 2023. The City of Tampere wants to create a true ice hockey and Championship experience for all its residents. The city and its various service providers are joining together to bring joy to everyone in the city during the World Championships. A total of 8000 World Cup tickets will be made exclusively available to specific groups. In partnership with the city of Tampere, the universities of Tampere are distributing tickets to the event.

Ice hockey fever and the Ice Hockey World Championships are taking over the city of Tampere again in May 2023! To promote a sense of community, wellbeing and integration, tickets are also offered to the students of Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Altogether  570 tickets to six different games will be offered to students.  

Please follow our channels for more information on tickets!

More information coming up in April 2023 at: 

  • Tuni Intranet 



  • TAMK Instagram @tamk_uas 

  • TAMK Parvi Instagram @tamkparvi 

  • Tampere University Instagram @tampereuni 

  • Tampere University Navigaattori Instagram @navigaattori_tampereuni 

  • You should also follow the information about the biggest Wappu in Finland: tickets will also be distributed in the Wappu actions for the Tampere University students! 

Find out more about the championships at Kiekon Koti website.

Contact persons

Tampere University: Suvi Ikonen, senior specialist, suvi.ikonen [at], 050 3011 948

TAMK: Merja Hanhimäki, Head of Development, Education and Learning, merja.hanhimaki [at], 040 8363 178