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Broad fields ranked by QS – information and library management and communication studies succeed

Published on 11.4.2024
Tampere University
Kuva koostuu useista pienistä kuvista. Keskellä mies, joka katsoo pienen linssin läpi. Alalaidassa henkilö, joka ottaa kuvaa järjestelmäkameralla. Ylälaidassa pieni negatiivi. Myös muuta valokuvaukseen liittyvää kuvitusta, geometrisiä kuvioita.
Photo: Jonne Renvall/Tampere University
Tampere University’s medicine and life sciences did the best in the QS world university comparison of broad scientific subject areas. The result was given in QS’s ranking in which Tampere University’s fields were ranked in all five areas. When more narrowly defined disciplines were compared, library and information management was number 21 among the world’s universities. Communication and media sciences placed among top 150 in their field.

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 comparison includes data on 1,559 universities. The higher education institutions are ranked across five broad subject areas and more narrowly defined subjects that numbered 55 this year. 

Tampere University received a score in all five broad subject areas. This year, the best subject area was medicine and life sciences that got the score of 391 followed by engineering and technology, which was in place 392 in its area. Arts and humanities were placed in the range of 401–450. The broad areas of natural sciences, and social sciences and management, were both placed among the top 550. 

Information science continues at the top   

In the QS ranking, the broad subject areas are divided into more narrowly defined fields, and Tampere University received a score in 16 of them. 

Tampere University’s information science (QS’s Library and Information Management) continues good performance reaching place 21 in the world. QS lists 70 higher education institutions by this subject. Communication and media studies was ranked among the best 150. Education and sociology were the third best performers ranked in the places of 201–250. 

Of the subjects in the broad Engineering and Technology area, electrical and electronic engineering were placed among the 251—300 best performers. In their own rankings, the same position was reached by computer science and information systems, and psychology. 

The indicators used in the QS ranking include academic reputation, the reputation of graduates among employers, research citations, and scholarly output and influence. In 2023, QS introduced a new indicator in the broad subject areas that measures international research activities and networks (International Research Network). The indicator is also used this year. 

QS Ranking is carried out by the independent QS Quacquarelli Symonds organisation.   

Read about the QS Subject Rankings 2024 

Read about the ranking methodology 

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