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About me

I direct the University of Tampere part of the RELATE Centre of Excellence, and lead the Space and Political Agency Research Group (SPARG) . My research lies at the intersection of political geography and global and transnational sociology, with focus on the study of political subjectivity, political agency, forced migration and transnationalization. I am particularly interested in the political agency of people in vulnerable positions. I have also studied discourses and practices of territoriality, borders and national identities, urban planning and civic participation, and the methodology of human geography.

A recent keynote talk on Environmental Citizenship, titled “Environmental Citizenship – Between (Unwarranted) Hope and (Unproductive) Despair” 

Research unit

Space and Political Agency Research Group (SPARG)

Selected publications

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2023). Trapped in (In)visibility: Contested Intercorporeality in Undocumented migrants’ Lives . Geopolitics, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2023.2189105

Häkli, J. & Strømsø, M. (2022). Nordic Geographies of Nation and Nationhood. In Jakobsen, P., Jönsson, E. & Gutzon Larsen, H. (eds.). Socio-Spatial Theory in Nordic Geography: Intellectual Histories and Critical Interventions, 231-251. Cham: Springer.

Kallio, K.P., Häkli, J., & Ruokolainen, O. (2022) Osallistuva seutulainen ja demokratia kaupunkiseutujen suunnittelussa. [The participating regional citizen and democracy in city-regional planning] Jäntti, A., Kork, A.-A., Kurkela, K., Leponiemi, U., Paananen, H. Sinervo, L.-M. & Tuurnas, S. (toim.) Hallinnon tutkimuksen tulevaisuus, 365–389. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Häkli, J. (2022). Towards washing the baby in the bathwater? – commentary to Refstie . Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 200(1), 72–73. 

Häyrynen, M., Häkli, J. & Saarinen J. (Eds.) (2022). Landscapes of Affect and Emotion. Nordic Environmental Humanities and the Emotional Turn. Leiden: Brill.

Spathopoulou, A., Kallio, K. P. & Häkli, J. (2021) Outsourcing Hotspot governance within the EU: cultural mediators as humanitarian–border workers in Greece. International Political Sociology. 15:3, 359–377. DOI:

Häkli, J. (2021). COVID19 certificates as a new form of mobility control. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 12:2, 362-369. DOI:

Davoudi, S., Kallio, K.P. and Häkli, J. (2021) Enacting a city-regional imaginary: Tampere tramway and state rescaling. Space and Polity. 25:1, 112-131. [OA online Feb 14 2021] doi: 10.1080/13562576.2021.1885373

Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2021). Bodies and persons: The politics of embodied encounters in asylum seeking. Progress in Human Geography, 45:4, 682-703. DOI: 10.1177/0309132520938449

Kallio, K.P., Meier, I. & Häkli. J. (2021). Radical hope in asylum seeking: Political agency beyond linear temporality. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47:17, 4006-4022. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1764344

Häkli, J. (2020). What can flat ontology teach the legislator? Dialogues in Human Geography, 10:3, 370-373. DOI: 10.1177/2043820620940055 (published online 6 July 2020).

Häkli, J. & Ruez, D. (2020). Governmentality. In Audrey Kobayashi (ed). The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.

Kallio, K.P. Wood, B.E. & Häkli, J. (2020) Lived citizenship: conceptualising an emerging field. Citizenship Studies, 24:6, 713-729. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2020.1739227

Häkli, J., Kallio, K.P. & Ruokolainen, O. (2020). A missing citizen? Issue-based citizenship in city-regional planning. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44:5, 876-893. DOI:10.1111/1468-2427.12841

Kallio K.P. & Häkli, J. (2019) Care as mundane politics in contested familial refugee lives . Gender, Place and Culture, 26:6, 795–812. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2018.1552563

Pascucci, E., Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2019). 'Delay and neglect': the everyday geopolitics of humanitarian borders. In: Paasi, A., Prokkola, E.-K., Saarinen, J., Zimmerbauer, K. (Eds.) Borderless Worlds - for Whom? Ethics, Moralities and Mobilities. Routledge, London, 93-107.

Kallio, K.P., Häkli, J. & Pascucci, E. (2019). Refugeeness as political subjectivity: Experiencing the humanitarian border . Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37:7, 1258–1276. DOI: 10.1177/2399654418820915

Häkli, J., Korkiamäki, R., & Kallio, K.P. (2018). ‘Positive recognition’ as a preventive approach in child and youth welfare services . International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 7(1). DOI:

Häkli, J. and Kallio, K.P. (2018). Theorizing children's political agency. In Skelton, T. and Aitken, S. (eds) Establishing Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol 1 of Skelton, T. (ed) Springer Major Reference Work in Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer.

Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2018). On becoming political: the political in subjectivity. Subjectivity, 11:1, 57-73.

Häkli, J. (2018). The subject of citizenship – Can there be a posthuman civil society? Political Geography, 67, 166-175 . DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.08.006

Häkli, J. (2018). Transcending scale? In G. H. Herb and D. H. Kaplan (eds.) Scaling Identities. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 271-282.

Häkli, J., Pascucci, E. & Kallio, K.P. (2017). Becoming refugee in Cairo: The political in performativity. International Political Sociology, 11:2, 185-202. doi: 10.1093/ips/olx002

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2017). Geosocial Lives in Topological Polis: Mohamed Bouazizi as a Political Agent. Geopolitics, 22:1, 91–109. doi:10.1080/14650045.2016.1208654 

Joronen, M. & Häkli, J. (2017). Politicizing ontology. Progress in Human Geography, 41:5, 561-579. [online since June 10 2016) DOI: 0.1177/0309132516652953

Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2016). Children’s rights advocacy as transnational citizenship. Global Networks, 16:3, 307–325. DOI: 10.1111/glob.12096

Häkli, J. (2015). Symbolic violence in border corssing - a bodily geopolitics. Nordia Geographical Publications, 44:4, 75-80. 

Häkli, J. (2015). The Border in the Pocket: Passport as a Mobile Boundary Object. In Amilhat-Szary, A.L. and Giraut, F. (eds.) Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 85-99.

Kallio, K.P. and Häkli, J. (eds.) (2015). The Beginning of Politics. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis.

Kallio, K.P. and Häkli, J. (2015) Children’s political geographies. In Agnew, J., Mamadouh, V., Secor, A. and Sharp, J. (eds.) Companion to Political Geography. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 265-278.

Kallio, K.P., Häkli, J. & Bäcklund, P. (2015). Lived citizenship as the locus of political agency in participatory policy. Citizenship Studies, 19:1, 101–119. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2014.982447

Bäcklund, P., Kallio, K.P. and Häkli, J. (2014) Residents, customers or citizens? Tracing the idea of youthful participation in the context of administrative reforms in Finnish public
administration. Planning Theory and Practice, 15:3, 311–327. DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2014.929726

Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2014). The global as a field: children's rights advocacy as a transnational practice. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23:2, 293-309. DOI: 10.1068/d0613

Häkli, J. & Kallio, K.P. (2014). Subject, action and polis: Theorizing political agency. Progress in Human Geography, 38:2, 181-200. DOI: 10.1177/0309132512473869 

Häkli, J. (2013). State space - outlining a field theoretical approach. Geopolitics, 18:2, 343-355. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2012.723285

Kallio, K.P & Häkli, J. (2013) Children and young people's politics in everyday life. Space & Polity, 17:1, 1–16.   DOI: 10.1080/13562576.2013.780710

Häkli, J. (2012). Boundary objects in border research: methodological reflections with examples from two European borderlands. In Martin Klatt, Marie Sandberg and Dorte Andersen (eds.). The Border Multiple:The Practicing of Borders between Public Policy and Everyday Life in a Re-scaling Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 163-178.

Häkli, J. (2011). Re-Demarcating Transnational Space: The Case of Haparanda-Tornio. In Jaroslaw Janczak (ed). De-Bordering, Re-Bordering and Symbols on the European Boundaries. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 21-35.

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2011). Tracing children’s politics. Political Geography, 30:2, 99-109.

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2011) Are there politics in childhood? Space & Polity, 15:1, 21–34. 

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2011). Young people’s voiceless politics in the struggle over urban space. GeoJournal, 76:1, 63-75.

Kallio, K.P. & Häkli, J. (2010) Political geography in childhood. Guest editorial. Political Geography, 29:7, 357–458.

Herb, G., J. Häkli, M. Corson, N. Mellowd, S. Cobarrubias, M. Casas-Cortes (2009). Intervention – mapping is critical. Political Geography, 28:6, 332-342. 

Häkli, J. (2009). Governmentality. In Kitchin, Rob & Thrift, Nigel (eds). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 4. Oxford UK: Elsevier, 628-633.

Häkli, J. (2009). Geographies of trust. In Jouni Häkli & Claudio Minca (eds.). Social Capital and Urban Networks of Trust. Aldershot: Ashgate, 13-36.

Häkli, J. (2009). Boundaries of trust: building a transnational space in Haparanda-Tornio. In Jouni Häkli & Claudio Minca (eds.). Social Capital and Urban Networks of Trust. Aldershot: Ashgate, 205-232.

Häkli, J. (2008). Regions, Networks and Fluidity in the Finnish Nation-State. National Identities, 10:1, 5-22.

Häkli, J. (2008). Re-Bordering Spaces. In Kevin R. Cox, Murray Low & Jenny Robinson (eds). Handbook of Political Geography. London: Sage, 471-482.

Häkli, J. (2007). Biometric identities. Progress in Human Geography, 31:2, 1-3.

Häkli, J. (2005). Who is the Finn? Globalization and Identity in Finland. Journal of Finnish Studies, 9:2, 12-26.

Häkli, J. (2004). Governing the mountains: Cross-border Regionalization in Catalonia. In Kramsch, Olivier & Hooper, Barbara (eds). Cross-Border Governance in the European Union. London: Routledge, 56-69.

Häkli, J. (2003). To discipline or not – is that the question? Political Geography, 22:6, 657–661.

Häkli, J. & Paasi, A. (2003). Geography, space and identity. In Öhman, J. & Simonsen, K. (eds.). Voices from the North: New Trends in Nordic Human Geography. Aldershot: Ashgate, 141-155.

Häkli, J. (2002). Transboundary Networking in Catalonia. In Kaplan, D. & Häkli, J. (eds.) Boundaries and Place: European borderlands in geographical context. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 70-92.

Häkli, J. (2001). The Politics of Belonging: Complexities of Identity in the Catalan Borderlands. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 83:3, 5-13.

Häkli, J. (2001). In the territory of knowledge: state-centered discourses and the construction of society. Progress in Human Geography, 25:3, 403-422.

Häkli, J. (1999). Cultures of Demarcation: Territory and National Identity in Finland. In Guntram H. Herb & D. H. Kaplan (eds.). Nested identities: Identity, Territory, and Scale. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 123-149.

Häkli, J. (1998). Discourse in the production of political space: Decolonizing the symbolism of provinces in Finland. Political Geography, 18:3, 331-363.

Häkli, J. (1998). Cross-border regionalization in the New Europe – Theoretical reflection with two illustrative examples. Geopolitics, 3:3, 83-103.

Dear, M. & J. Häkli (1998). Space, place and urbanism – methodological notes for contemporary urban research [Tila, paikka ja urbanismi – uuden kaupunkitutkimuksen metodologiaa]. Terra, 110:2, 59-68.

Häkli, J. (1998). Manufacturing Provinces: theorizing the encounters between governmental and popular geographs in Finland. In S. Dalby & G. Ò Tuathail (eds.). Rethinking Geopolitics. London: Routledge, 131-151.