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International Smart Industry – Continuous Transformation

Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Deepen your knowledge of smart industry with a free Diploma of Higher Education training

Information systems and streamlined international delivery processes have permanently changed the business environment for the intelligent industry. This training aims to address these challenges.


30-60 study credits (ECTS)

Course dates


Application period



The education is funded by the Ministry of Ecucation and Culture and thus free for the participants.



Language of instruction


Study fields

Technology and Natural Sciences

Organising unit

Tree – Continuing Education

Mode of study

Multi-modal teaching

Study level

Other studies

After completing your training, you will be better equipped to work in modern technology and business environments.

The training is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and thus it is free for students. Upon completing the 60 study credits, you will receive an official Diploma of Higher Education to show your know-how.

Who is this training for?

The training is suitable for participants with technical and / or commercial backgrounds, who want to develop their expertise in utilising new technologies in product development, supply chain management, sales and procurement. We hope that applicants already have some industrial working experience.

The training is suitable for both working and unemployed participants. Studying in this training is considered to be part-time by the TE services. If you are a customer of the TE services, please contact your local TE office about your participation.   

Completion methods

The training consists of two parts: 30 credits of smart industry studies and the possibility to complete a 30 credit (6-month) internship. You must complete both parts in order to receive a Diploma of Higher Education. If you do not want a diploma, you can only participate in smart industry studies if you wish.


The programme starts with an orientation day on the 18th of August, 2021. Teacher led face-to-face training at TAMK will take place every third Wednesday. The training program will end by April 30th 2023 the latest including internship (30 credits). In addition, we will organise a final seminar for graduates and partners in April 2023.