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Shubin Ma: Developing implantable antennas for the envisioned wireless brain care

Tampereen yliopisto
Ajankohta29.1.2021 12.00–16.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Englanninkielinen väitöstilaisuus. The recent progress in wireless technology has prompted the development of wireless implantable and wearable systems to realize the envisioned bio-telemetry where the patients can access to diagnosis and treatment at any time, any location and with any amount of monitoring and diagnostic data. Especially in brain care applications, wireless intracranial implantable microsystems are believed to open a new paradigm for the management of brain disorders and the treatment of neurological diseases.

The fundamental challenge in planning the transcranial wireless link between the implant and the external devices is the attainment of miniature implantable antennas achieving adequately high efficiency for signaling and wireless power transfer in the presence of the dissipative intracranial tissues.

Shubin Ma’s s doctoral thesis focuses on the development of implantable antenna for RFID based wireless brain care devices. In comparison with the state-of-the-art implantable antennas, the proposed antennas show superiority in antenna footprint, implant depth and maximum antenna gain.

“I believe the proposed design solutions could contribute to the development of implantable antennas for wireless intracranial sensors in brain care applications and help to pave the way towards the realization of the envisioned biotelemetry,” Shubin Ma says.

The doctoral dissertation of MSc. Shubin Ma in the field of biomedical engineering titled Far-Field Backscattering Brain Implant Communications - Antenna Design Methodologies and Performance Validation will be publicly examined in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology of Tampere University at 12.00 on Friday 29th January 2021. The Opponent will be Professor Hendrik Rogier from Ghent University, Belgium. The Custos will be Professor Leena Ukkonen from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology at Tampere University.

The event can be followed via remote connection

The dissertation is available online at