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Professori Kristina Scharpin vierailuluento

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiÅkerlundinkatu 5, 33100 Tampere
Virta Auditorio 109
Ajankohta30.10.2023 10.15–11.30
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Perhe pyöräilee, koira juoksee mukana.
How Communication Processes Address Inequity and Marginalization: The Importance of Remaking, Resistance, and Resilience

Terveys- ja perheviestinnän tutkija professori Kristina Scharp (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA) vierailee Tampereella lokakuussa (ks. bio alempana). 

Hän pitää luennon otsikolla "How Communication Processes Address Inequity and Marginalization: The Importance of Remaking, Resistance, and Resilience"

Luennossaan Sharp tarkastelee epätasa-arvoa ja marginaalistumista sekä perheen ja terveyden uudelleenmerkityksentämistä vuorovaikutuksessa. Hän lähestyy teemoja kriittisen perheviestinnän paradigmasta käsin. 

Kristina's bio:

Kristina M. Scharp (Ph.D, University of Iowa) is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University and a Director of the Family Communication and Relationships Lab. Her work meets at the intersection of interpersonal, family, and health communication and focuses on the process of marginalization and the ways people cope with the major disruptions to their lives. Specifically, Scharp’s research programmatically advances communication theory and method with the aim of (a) exposing institutionalized structures of oppression, (b) understanding the populations those structures marginalize, and (c) illuminating communication processes marginalized populations enact to cope with the inequities they experience. To date, she has over 90 publications in outlets such as the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, and Communication Research as well as three co-authored textbooks. In the last few years, she was awarded the International Communication Association’s Early Career Award, NCA Family Communication Division’s Distinguished Article Award, and the Leslie A. Baxter Early Career Award in Family Communication. Her work on family estrangement, in particular, has garnered attention from numerous media outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Conversation, and NPR.

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Viestintätieteiden yksikkö / ITC.


Leena Mikkola, leena.mikkola@tuni.fi