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Physics Colloquium: Optical timing distribution and synchronization with ultrafast femtosecond lasers

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKorkeakoulunkatu 1, Tampere
Hervanta Campus, Tietotalo, TB109
Ajankohta8.6.2023 16.15–18.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Dr. Kemal Shafak from Cycle GmbH, Germany, will present a pioneering optical timing distribution system. The event is hosted by Professor Humeyra Caglayan from Tampere University. The lecture is targeted to researchers, scientists, teachers and students of physics.

In the past decade the need for sub femtosecond timing distribution has emerged in large scale science facilities such as X ray free electron lasers to synchronize various optical and microwave sources across multi kilometer distances. Recently optical timing distribution systems based on ultrashort and ultra stable optical lasers have been developed and successfully employed at these facilities providing long term sub femtosecond timing jitter. Today, commercially available fully automated optical timing distribution systems are ready to expand their application fields starting with space telescope networks and attoscience centers.

Dr. Shafak presents the pioneering optical timing distribution system developed and commercialized by Cycle GmbH, a spin off company of Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron. The system can be referenced both to a microwave or an optical frequency standard. The timing signals are distributed via optical fibers to remote users with an unrivaled 1 E 18 instability. The system can be easily interfaced with existing time and frequency protocols such as 1 PPS, IRIG, NTP.

In his talk, Shafak will cover scientific background of such systems together with their most recent achievements from the field.



Researchers, scientists, teachers and students of physics


Professor Humeyra Caglayan, humeyra.caglayan@tuni.fi