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Pedagogical Best Practices: Supporting Student Well-being, an online seminar

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Ajankohta8.4.2022 7.00–8.30
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
On Friday 8.4.2022 ENTER network and TLC (TAMK) organise an open online webinar, where you have a unique opportunity to hear more about how community gardening has maintained HE students´ well-being in Singapore. And another case presents study results from Latvia, how HE students' self-directed learning skills promoted motivation and professional development.

The ENTER network and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) welcome all educators to the online seminar on April 8th 2022, 10–11.30 AM (EEST). 


  • Welcoming words from the ENTER Network, Jan-Willem Noom (Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen) and Beate Kralicek (University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy)
  • Supporting undergraduates’ well-being in a living-learning community: A case study, Swee Kit Alan Soong and Andi Sudjana Putra (National University of Singapore)
  • Students’ Self-directed Learning in the Context of Motivation: LLU Case, Baiba Briede (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies)
  • Summary and closing words, Jan-Willem Noom and Beate Kralicek

Hosts: Jan-Willem Noom, Beate Kralicek, Leena Katto & Sanna Ruhalahti

Location: ZOOM  


ENTER Network and Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), TAMK

