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Oppikirja Euroopan julkisyhteisöjen laskentatoimen systematiikasta valmistui

Julkaistu 15.11.2019
Tampereen yliopisto
EU:n Erasmus+ -hankkeessa viiden eri yliopiston yhteistyönä laadittu oppikirja on nyt valmistunut ja saatavilla Open Access -julkaisuna.

Tampereen yliopisto oli mukana elokuussa päättyneessä hankkeessa, jossa koordinaattorina toimi Rostockin yliopisto.  Oppikirja on ensimmäinen laatuaan. Se kattaa  julkisyhteisöjen laskentatoimen ja tilinpäätösesittämisen systematiikan ja siihen kohdistuvat EU:n harmonisointi- ja standardointipyrkimykset, jotka toteutuessaan tulisivat koskemaan julkisyhteisöjä myös Suomessa.

Lisätietoja:  Lasse Oulasvirta, Tampereen yliopisto, 050 318 6017, lasse.oulasvirta [at] tuni.fi (lasse[dot]oulasvirta[at]tuni[dot]fi)


DiEPSAm project completed! Open access textbook European Public Sector Accounting now available

Completion of DiEPSAm Project on “European Public Sector Accounting“ with textbook publication

The EU funded Erasmus+ project “Developing and Implementing European Public Sector Accounting modules” (DiEPSAm) was successfully completed in August 2019. The five European universities Coimbra/Portugal (Prof. Dr. Susana Jorge), Leicester (Dr. Andy Wynne), JKU Linz (Prof. Dr. Dennis Hilgers, Dr. Lisa Schmidthuber), Rostock (Prof. Dr. Peter C. Lorson, Dr. Ellen Haustein) and Tampere (Prof. Dr. Lasse Oulasvirta) were involved in the project.

The project discusses accounting systems and accounting norms in the public sector as practised today – especially in the project’s EU partner countries, against the background of harmonisation efforts through International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and within the EU by means of the European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS) project. As a result, a unique set of English-language lectures was developed at the participating European project universities. This will enable students to acquire knowledge of public sector accounting as a highly topical issue in a growing labour market sector and, at the same time, improve their media, digitalisation and English skills. All teaching materials can be used by other universities, private or public institutions, or individuals without restrictions:

Links to the book and background materials:

Teaching materials and videos 

Textbook European Public Sector Accounting 

Universities may use these materials e.g. for designing (online) courses in Bachelor or Master Programmes between 1 and 6 ECTS and other parties, e.g. for self-study purpose.

Background information on the DiEPSAm 

Further information: Lasse Oulasvirta, Tamper University, 050 318 6017, lasse.oulasvirta [at] tuni.fi