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Nokia Hackathon and CV Clinic

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKanslerinrinne 1, 33100
Keskustakampus, Päätalo
Ajankohta2.11.2022 7.00–14.30
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Are you interested in using technology to solve sustainability problems? Create a team with your fellow students and join Nokia's hackathon at Tampere University! The winning team of the final competition gets an award of 10,000 euros, paid traineeship positions at Nokia Bell Labs for summer 2023 and more.

Nokia Hackathon is a competition where teams of students are expected to propose innovative and technological solutions in relation to sustainability. The competition takes place in two rounds: first, there are local hackathons at invited universities across Finland, and second, the winning teams from each school enter the final competition held at Espoo's Metro Areena on 18–19 November 2022.

At the beginning of the local event in Tampere, Nokia will present three sustainability-related challenges which the students address by proposing sustainable technological solutions. Five hours will be given to the students.

Also, during the competition, Nokia will offer a CV Clinic where all the students (also non-competing ones) can come and get help and tips for their resumé.

Read more and sign up

