Hyppää pääsisältöön


Tampereen yliopisto
Sijainti33100 Tampere
Ajankohta11.3.2024 6.00–13.3.2024 16.00
PääsymaksuMaksullinen tapahtuma
Gallery of several small history pictures
Sixth Annual Hex Conference

The HEX conference “Memory, Temporality and Experience” will take place at Tampere University, Finland, on 11-13 March 2024

The new history of experience seeks to comprehend the complex, multidimensional relationships between history and experience. As a burgeoning field of study, it is self-reflective and dynamic, with scholars constantly refining their approaches, and indeed reassessing the notion of experience itself. 

To develop the history of experience into a robust historical approach, scholars continually ask probing questions regarding sources, concepts, methods, and methodologies. In this vein, the organisers of the sixth annual HEX conference have chosen to interrogate the concepts of memory and temporality as modes of experience. 

This thematic focus aims to encourage scholars to reflect on experience beyond its external traces, and to mine the more elusive spheres of the internal, the cognitive, and the unconscious.

For more information see HEX www-pages. 


Tampere university and Finland's Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences


Conference coordinator: Mikko Kemppainen: hexconference@tuni.fi - Practical arrangements: congress@tuni.fi